Chapter 20 - The seven wonders of Pontypandy part 2

Start from the beginning

His lover was upstairs in the bathroom having a shower, while he was in the kitchen cooking pancakes full of sweet syrup and having to listen to his baby girl screaming her head off like crazy.

When his significant other was dressed into her station uniform, she took Sofia out of her carrier and started swaying her on her hips, while shaking a rattle in front of her to try to get her to relax, so the hero next door could focus on not burning the food.

Once the lead firefighter had finished cooking, he put the pancakes on two separate plates and walked into the living room, seeing his partner strapping their little princess into her baby bouncer, so she can have a nice and safe rock while they eat.

The loving couple relaxed on each other as they ate their magnificent breakfast, enjoying the beautiful texture in their mouths, but their hearts also softened at the sight of their daughter, who had know gone red in the face from all shrieking.

"Poor poppet, she really has woken up on the wrong side of the bed today!", the wrong lead firefighter spoke sympathetically, "don't worry, cupcake! A nice long walk in the pram will soon fix that!", her lover replied confidently and pecked her lips.

Once the happy adults had finished their breakfast and had washed the dishes, they put their jackets on, before putting up a fight to take the screaming Sofia out of her bouncer as she was uncoordinatedly kicking her arms and legs in the air.

After five minutes, they had managed to securely strap the wailing newborn into her pram with help from both of them and they were know walking around the small town, hoping that the fresh air would do her some good.

As they were strolling around the streets of Pontypandy, many of the residents saw their lead firefighters pushing the stroller, but they refrained themselves from talking about the child to them as she the little one seemed to he in a really terrible mood, so they just said a simple hi to them as they crossed their path.

The loving parents were happy then no one in town questioned them about the little princess inside the pram, despite their sudden curiosities that could peak up on the gossip.

Thirty minutes later, the two firefighters felt like a miracle had been sprinkled over them as the newborn had finally calmed down and was now deeply sleeping inside her pram.

The kind hearted firefighters shift was starting to creep up on them, so they headed towards the hole fish cafe, where Bronwyn and Charlie will be looking after her while they're working.

"Hey guys, all of Sofia's stuff is in her changing bag and we've just managed to get her to sleep. Where's Sarah and James?", Penny questioned curiously as she was talking quickly.

"They've gone swimming in the Pontypandy park with Hannah, because Norman is still on a camping trip with Mandy and her family!", Bronwyn enlightened them.

"Hmmm, that sounds like trouble, especially considering all the dangers when camping!", Sam concluded, "well, it is Pontypandy, so even if Norman isn't causing trouble, there will usually be some sort of drama!", his partner replied and delicately kissed his cheek.

"Quite right. Now off to work you love birds, before you get a telling off from your boss!", Charlie teased and the adoptive parents kissed their daughters forehead, before interlacing their fingers and walking out of the cafe to the firestation.

They arrived at their work place with minutes to spare and they hanged their jackets in their lockers, before walking upstairs to the lounge area to hangout with the rest of their colleagues.

Ellie, Penny and Arnold were relaxing in the sofa watching an action show, while Sam and Elvis were in the kitchen cooking lunch as it was there turn on the rota.

Fireman Sam: Poorly Penny 🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now