Chapter 126 Let's play a final game, Mrs. Greta Mills

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Chapter 126 Let's play a final game, Mrs

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Chapter 126 Let's play a final game, Mrs. Greta Mills

Later that evening, as they sat together in the quiet of their room, Greta and Landon shared a moment of intimacy, their love speaking volumes in the silence that enveloped them. But their tranquil moment was abruptly shattered as Greta's head began to throb with pain, a sharp ache piercing through her temples.

"Ouch," Greta winced, her hand instinctively flying to her head as she sank down onto the bed.

Landon's concern was palpable as he hurried to her side, his eyes filled with worry. "Here, drink this," he said softly, offering her a cup of warm milk. "It might help ease the pain."

Greta accepted the cup gratefully, but as she reached out to take it, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, causing her vision to blur As Greta's consciousness slipped into the depths of her foresight, a suffocating sensation enveloped her, constricting her chest with an invisible vice. Each breath became a struggle, as if the weight of the vision bore down upon her like a crushing burden.

In the midst of her trance, her body felt heavy, anchored to the floor as her mind traversed the landscape of her premonition. But with each passing moment, the pressure intensified, squeezing the air from her lungs and leaving her gasping for breath.

She sees her foresight, Amidst a sunlit meadow, surrounded by swaying grass and whispering trees, Greta witnessed a scene of chaos and despair.

A man lay crumpled on the ground, his lifeblood staining the earth beneath him, while a woman clad in dark armor stood over him, her axe raised high.

Greta's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the woman, her heart pounding with dread. It was her first and only enemy, the one who had haunted her dreams and tormented her waking hours. she hears a male voice

"Let's play a final game, Mrs. Greta Mills" As words sending chills down Greta's spine, and

Tears welled up in Greta's eyes as she struggled to make sense of the vision before her.

 The weight of her fears bore down on her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve. But in that moment of darkness, she felt Landon's reassuring touch, his presence a beacon of light in the depths of her despair. And with his unwavering support, she knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, their love guiding them through the storm.

 And with his unwavering support, she knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, their love guiding them through the storm

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Author Info:

Hello! We finally reached the end of # 7 Greta Mills Never Fails!  As we  are at  the end of "Greta Mills Never Fails,"

I find myself feeling a bit melancholic. This series has been such a significant part of my life, and  the next book marks the end of my first series, "The Neverland Octology," is bittersweet. ❀

I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and the thoughtful comments you've shared on my chapters. Your encouragement has kept me going through the highs and lows of this writing journey, and I couldn't have done it without you.!

So check out the trailer for Forever Lost!

8:16 pm Sunday, 24 March 2024





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