Chapter 47 Day 10 - Fail & disappoint

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The next day, university' day there is eye that is closed with black lashes, the eye opens, the Iris is bright light-colored blue, and the pupil is big but went small. Greta wakes from her sleep. Greta looks around at her bedroom she let long sigh of despair and she get out of bed. Greta went to her closet and opens it. She put on her rings on her left hand. Greta put on her uniform and put on her sneaker, and she hears people talking and laughing. Greta hears a knock on the door she turn around, she didn't say come in because she knew it is Josie, and Josie came into her room and she said

'Hey are you ready for your ten's day'

Greta looks at Josie, and she replied

'Yes, Josie'

Greta kept on looking at her friend as they walk through the university's hallway. Josie is wearing blue shirt with corner around her neck, she has her hair in curls and she has blue bag on her left. They stop, and they look at the clipboard , they went into the room Greta sees a large university's room and there is a board in middle of it

Josie and Greta walk, and they sat on their chairs, there is a long table with chairs they went to sit at their same places Greta place her book on the table and she sees Freya walking in middle of the classroom Freya said

'Hello Students'

Everyone said her name at the same time Freya told them to go to page twenty four Greta notice they are studying As You Like It. Freya explain about As You Like It Freya said

'So who is the main character in the As You Like It'

Greta is looking ahead, and looking at Landon he is reading a book and he place the book on the table he replied

'Duke Frederick'

Greta looks at Landon, and Greta looks at her university's work Freya said

'Okay so who else?

Greta raise her left hand, and she said


Greta sees Landon is looking at her and then looked at Freya, explaining more Freya says

So it's heroine as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin to find safety and, eventually, love, in the Forest of Arden. In the forest, they encounter a variety of memorable characters, notably the melancholy traveller , who speaks many of Shakespeare's most famous speeches (such as "", "too much of a good thing" and "A fool! A fool! I met a fool in the forest"). Jaques provides a sharp contrast to the other characters in the play, always observing and disputing the hardships of life in the country.

Greta looks at her university's work and she sees picture of Rosalind and Celia and then she sees Touch Stone, he is dressed in red Greta hears the bell ring, Josie said

'Break time'.

Josie and Greta walk out of the Drama 's room and they walk through the university alley and The Blue lockers are still are against the wall, Josie walked in front of a locker and she place her hand on it and she speak softly and the door opens

Greta place her left hand on her locker room, and Greta sees number in front of her Greta nodded her head for yes, and she looks at her password, they are glowing like her favourite colour Greta whispered her password .

 Greta watches her locket unclick and open, Josie said

'You need to get out your gym clothes'

Greta nodded, and she sees gym clothes on the left side and she grab them, and she closed her locker's door, and she hears it click closed

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