Chapter 16 The Mills' family house

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Greta is still holding onto her mum's hand they look at each other Emma squeeze tight, and they both smile Emma says with laugh voice

'Yeah I still remember when you were baby you were so cute'

Greta smiled, she smirk she replied

'Yeah that's so I heard'

Greta look at her mum Emma replied


Greta smiled, she stand and she hugs her mum Emma says

'I am happy that you're home'

Greta smiled, she nodded Greta says

'Me too'

Greta watches her Emma standing and she went to the sink Emma says

'Would you like cup of tea'

Greta look at her mum and says

'No thanks mum'

Greta looks at her mum, and smiled and nod Emma says


Greta is still standing she watches her mum getting a box of sugar from above and she place it on the counter Emma still looks the same Emma reach and got the tea bag Greta let long sigh of despair

The kitchen is nearby the door where you can exit and enter the house and in front of the kitchen is stairs that go upstairs and right next to the stairs is the living room,

The Living room has chimney and heater and The house has five windows. The house walls is made of red wood Greta said

'I am going outside mum'

Greta notice her mum is holding a blue jacket Emma said

'It's cold outside'

Greta smiled, and got the jacket from her mum and she put it on

Greta went outside, she sees the same lake in front of their house

Greta walk around the lake and sees her new house in front of her

Greta notice her house is made of pale red bricks

The Mills' family house has small blue window and then two large windows to left and to the right and there's a room attachment to the house on the right and it has door.

The chimney is in the middle of the house nearby the room attachment is large pine tree

Greta sees reflection of her house in the lake and the pine trees Greta looks to her left there is a branch that hang above the lake nearby her leg is six small branches and below it is rock

On the left side of her house is the garage that has orange roof

The ground has hundreds of forest leaves. Greta bend on her knees, and then sit on the ground Greta sings some lyrics

'I know we grew up a little too fast

Greta stand, and she walks back to her house she open and close the door Greta sees her mum cutting up tomato Greta said

'I'm back'

Greta sees her mum look at her and smiled Emma said

'Shall we have Greece salad for lunch'

Greta looked at her mum, she shrugged Greta replied

'I can eat whatever you made mum'

Greta went to sit on the chair in dining room, The dining room and Living room are the same room Greta watches her mum cutting the tomato

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