☠Chapter 111☠ Lost girl's boyfriend

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Meanwhile, Lady and Ted appear by the ocean, and Ted sees Greta Mills, he wants revenge for what she has done and he has some other plans as well

Ted sees her brother and the unknown girl go off a ship, and they watch as the ship leaves Ted puts on a jacket's hood and the lady did the same and they began to walk Ted picks up a bucket full of dead fish and pretends to walk past he overhears them

'Who is Landon to you'

Ted sees Greta looking at the girl, who is wearing a purple shirt white green, and then white, blue at the collar bone Greta watches as Ella leans against a well that's behind her Greta is looking at Ella losing expression

Ted watches as Greta talks to her friend, and he hears the girl say

He loved you for a long time and he told me about you

Ted sees Greta trying to find out when her friend tells her and he can hear her gaps with shock Ted watches as her friend walks from and Ted watches as his friend walks to her and

'Miss Greta Mills'

Ted watches as Greta lowed herself into the barrel and his friend takes her hand on the lady's shoulder

'Let me help'

Ted is standing in the shadows, so she can't see him and he hears

'I don't want your help'

Ted watches as the lady grabs onto her shoulder and she turns around and feels pain Greta sees a sword in her chest, and the lady is smirking with evilness Greta looks down at the sword and then looks at the lady and sees the lady gives a evil smirk as she pull the sword of out here

Ted walks out of the shadow, and then he watches as the lady catches Greta, and lowers her to the ground Ted sees Greta saw her and Ted on his knees and says

''We hurt you and you will pay for what you've done to the lost girl

Until he felt someone kick his face, and he fell onto the ground, and he got out a sword and he saw a boy and he sword fights with the boy, and then he used his black magic for him and the lady to vanish

They are at the house again, and he sees Ethan talking to Josie and they look at their game, Ted sees Lady Ted knows that this boy of Greta is a special one, and he gives a smirk and sees Ethan Ted says

'Ethan I have a favour for you'

Ted begins to wave his hand around, and Ethan watches as Ted makes a monster size of a human in front of her Ted said

'I want you to take Greta's lover'

Ted sees Ethan, smirk with wickedness, and he takes a bow to him as he says sure Ted

Ethan looks at the man, the man looks scary because he had

dark eyes, and no mouth and the man and Ethan went into the portal, and they are at the hospital

Ethan went into the hospital, and he walked to the door and saw Landon with Greta who had caused him so much pain in the past Ethan went outside and saw Landon go out of the hospital, and then saw him

'What do you want?

Ethan pretended to be scared and worried and he said

'Josie is in danger come"

Ethan sees Landon is looking at him, and Landon is frowning and Ethan hears

'I won't forgive you for what you have done to her'

Ethan and Landon are walking, and they have pine trees all around them as they walk

Ethan is walking, and he smirks when he is looking forward to having revenge Ethan is starting to have an evil smirk like a clown Ethan notices Landon is looking at him, and Ethan vanishes he goes behind the tree and watches as the man is looking at Landon

'Where is Ethan' He said

Ethan watches as the man goes for Landon and then grabs onto his collarbone' shirt Landon is wearing a red shirt with a pale blue jacket with black pants

'Can you talk?

Ethan watches as the man is dragging Landon by his shirt's collar, and Until he hears a voice, Landon sees a lady that looks like Josie and Ted, and Ted is still wearing dark-coloured clothing with a silver-like brooch near the top of his collar or tie. He has a grotesque appearance, with yellow to rotting teeth and translucent light blue eyes. He bears what he calls the "mark of the underworld" across his face, it hooks around his cheek and spans up to his forehead and back down the opposite cheek. His pale skin seems rotted, and his dark brown hair is slicked upwards, Landon feels a death vibe coming off him and the last thing he hears is

'We got Greta Mills's lost girl's boyfriend

They brought Landon to the house that looks like the factory, and then they went to the bar where they will do their plan Ted said

'Go get the lost girl and her family, and friends',

Ethan nodded, and he walked, and he arrived at the hospital and saw Greta with her family, friends Ethan was watching her, and Ethan saw Greta saw him and he saw Liz, and he heard


Ethan gave a chuckle, licked his lip and he said

'Hello Lost girl's friend'

Ethan sees they are looking at him, and he is still wearing a black and white shirt Ethan hears

'What happened to you?

Ethan glares at Liz, and he smirks with evilness, and then he looks at Greta and then Liz and then he said

'I got an update and...'

Ethan is using his left index finger, and pointing to Liz, as he looks at Liz, he says again

'I know your sister is'

Ethan looked at her and then said

"And We have your boyfriend Lost girl Greta Mills'

'But only you and you, and you can come

Ethan pointed to all of them, and Greta said

'Fine, We will go'

Ethan walked, and he knew they were walking following after him they went into the bar and Ethan showed the way for Mrs Mills and Greta and he noticed that Greta was mouthing something to her brother

Ethan walked, and he knew they were walking following after him they went into the bar and Ethan showed the way for Mrs Mills and Greta and he noticed that Greta was mouthing something to her brother

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Author Info: Hello Readers I nearly cried when Landon got kidnapped ! I love the song for this chapter -

New World Begins

Later readers

2:05 pm Monday, 29 January 2024

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