✾Chapter 78✾ I need you!

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Ella's foresight

Ella sees her friend Greta playing with her brother, Ella said

'Wow he still looks cute'

Ella watches as Greta stands from the floor, and she sit on her bed Greta said

'I am sure I will do it next time I promise'

Ella watches Greta reach her left hand pinkie and he did pinkie promise and he said

'I love you sis'

Greta grab onto her brother, and scratch his hand and then stop he is sitting on her lap Greta said

'I love you to Pluto and back'

Greta watches he stand, and she said

'Now go get out'

Ella watches as her friend watches he nodded, and he walk out of her room and Greta stand, and lock the door, Greta went into the bathroom, and she went to the desk and she open the draw, and she sees pair of scissors and she sit on the floor

Ella watches she open the and she place, Ella said

'Greta No'

Ella tries to grab onto her friend's hand but she went through it cause you can't affect the past, Ella watches as her friend grieves, Ella said

'Oh Greta'

Ella watches as Greta did the deeper cut, and obviously hurt a lot more, and she sees she has nearly cut to the bone she hears knock on the door

Ella wake from foresight , and sees Josie, she said


Ella looked at Jose, she lied

'She just loss a pet'

Josie and Ella are by Greta's side, and Josie said

'I hope Rafael finds Landon'

Ella went closer and told Alaric the truth, and he looked at Greta and then he looked at her daughter, he said

Ella and Josie went out of their friend's room, Alaric sit on the chair that he is facing Greta , Alaric said

'I think we both know what's going deep down inside and you know that if you wake up you're gonna have to face that grief and as some body who has experience that grief more time than I count I would never"

Alaric let long sigh of despair, and he has hair on orange hair on his chin and he has window behind him he said

'Wish that upon you or anyone else but the truth is we need you'

Alaric look at Greta, she is holding onto her hand, and she's breathing slow

Greta is laying on blanket green and yellow box blanket, she is wearing red shirt with black shirt over it

Outside of the room, Josie and Ella sees Rafael, Josie said

'So did you find Landon'

Josie and Ella sees Rafael he said

'Yes and he's outside'

They sees Landon is behind Rafael and Josie slap Landon, Josie said

'Where were you?

They are looking at Landon, he said

'I needed to work'

Josie slap Landon again, and she gave a snort and walk from them Ella look at Landon, Rafael said

'Come inside'

Rafael and Landon went into Greta's room, Landon said

'I don't care what you show me I'm not going to change my'

Landon sees Greta, is still sleeping and Landon walk to her, Landon hears

'Dr S said She's waiting on you'

Landon is wearing black cloth with red shirt underneath them Landon sees Greta has candles on the table next to her Landon walk on the right side of Greta's bed Landon low himself down, and he hears Rafael

'If you don't come back she doesn't come back Landon'

Landon sit next to her, and he remember when they first met and Landon sees Josie and Ella come in Rafael said

'Who do you think she going to see when she wake up'

Landon looks at Greta, he said


Landon looks at Ella, she is on the left side of Greta's bed Landon tries not to cry as he look at her Landon said

'Leave the room please'

Landon looks at Greta, she is breathing slow, and Landon touch her left hand with his right hand, breathes rapidly and she is still holding on her hands

'Greta, wake up please' He said

He remove his hand from touching hers Landon said again

"I need you and your friends need you'

Landon hears person coming, and he stand from the bed Landon sees Ella and he said

'What did she last remember?

Landon look at Ella, and she looks at Greta, and then him Ella replied

'She was suicidal that was the last thing she remember and Landon she has many secrets'

Ella and Landon looks at Greta, and Landon held Greta's hand and Landon said

'I know and I know them'

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