Chapter 114 Ella, we need your help

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The Next Day Greta is sleeping in her bed and she is lying down in her bed Greta wakes from her sleep and looks around at her bedroom and then she sees her mother is sleeping by her side she tries to sit quickly and she can feel her muscles ache Greta said


Greta saw her mother, begin to wake and then saw her and then she was awake and she said


Greta is looking at her mother, and she tries not to cry and Greta said

'I am sorry that I fainted we have missed time'

Greta sees her mother, Emma is showing a sad expression on her face, and then sighs and reaches out to hold onto her left hand with her right hand Emma said

'Greta it is okay we haven't missed the time we will get ready to find them I promise'

Greta heard a knock on the door and her mother said come in, and Greta saw her brother coming into the room, Henry was now wearing a dark blue and red shirt with white lines, his hair was combed sideways Greta said

'Hi Henry'

Greta sees Henry holding onto a mug that's hot chocolate Greta feels her mother let go of her hand and then stands Greta looks at her mother she says

'I will be downstairs to make us some breakfast and then we will find our family and your boyfriend'

Greta watches as her mother Emma leaves the room, Greta is looking at her brother he stands in front of her and says

'You gave us scare sis'

Greta gave a smile, and she got the mug from her brother and said

'Sorry I had a long day yesterday'

Greta notice the mug is cold so she raises her right hand, and clicks her finger and thumb together, but nothing happens Greta feels herself about to cry but she holds it in

Greta sees her brother Henry looking at her, and he said

'You will get them back, sis'

Greta felt grief and loss and she hugged herself as she looked at her brother Greta said

'I hope I will get them back bro because I feel like a hum-

Greta is about to say the word but she had to say it but she hears her brother


Greta was looking at her brother, and she gave a nod Greta said

'Yeah my humanity flipped the second that sword went through'

Henry and Greta can hear their mother setting the table by the noise of the forks and knives as well as the plates Greta gives a shy smile, and she looks at her hands and then at her brother Greta said

'I feel like I am being controlled by my emotions, It's like love, lose grieve repeat because of losing dad to Ted'

Greta is looking at her brother, Henry has a calm expression on his face and then he said

'I am sorry that you lost Dad but we will get them back, sis'

Behind Henry is a window and yellow curtains and her bed top, and the walls are dark yellow Greta nodded, placed her feet on the floor and then stood Greta said

'We will but let's go have some food okay and then let's plan what to do you next'

Henry and Greta walk out of her room and Greta turns around, to look at her bedroom she looks to her left because that is where Henry is standing they go downstairs, and go to the kitchen, the kitchen is still the same, it is nearby the door where you can exit and enter the house and in front of the kitchen is stairs that go upstairs and right next to the stairs is the living room, The Living room has chimney and heater and The house has five windows. The house walls are made of redwood Greta sees her mother Emma has made pancakes Greta sees her grandparents Mary and David

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