Chapter 32

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"No, we are not going to a haunted house." I debunked Carlos's statement.

"Come on, what do we have to lose?" Carlos tries to persuade me as he has the rest of my friends agreeing with him, except for Jason and Sebastian.


"My life, have you forgotten the part that I almost died from bats?" I reminded Carlos and Evie.

"It's also spring break, I remember our conversation." Evie recalls.

"Just one time, please. And after that you won't have to go to a haunted house anymore." Kaleb interjects.

"We'll all be together. How about that? And we won't get separated." Noelle promises me.

"Pinky promise?" I hold up my pinky.

"Pinky promise." She wraps her pinky around mine and makes the promise.

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"You have been awfully going out a lot on the weekends." My dad states firmly in a way that being with my friends is bad.

"Yeah, Ramona." Gabriel gives me a side eye.

"What's bad about it?" I ask him as I eat my enchilada.

"Well, we feel like we're not part of your life as much." My mom tells me, and I can see a tear form in her eye.

"What? No one can replace you both. You are my role models." I reassure them, taking their hand in mine.

"Really?" My mom looks at me with a tearful expression, and I get up from my seat, and I hug my mom and dad.

"Where's my hug?" Gabriel complains.

"I'm getting there." I tell him as I make my way over to him and give him a big hug. I retreat back to my seat and continue eating my lunch.

"We'll plan a day together, all of us. It'll be a surprise. " I announce to them, and they get suspicious immediately.

I finish my lunch and wash all the dishes, putting them in the dishwasher machine.

Then, I go upstairs to my room, and I grab my laptop as I plop onto my bed. I searched for some activities online that all of us can do.

Then, I remember a distinct memory that my parents love and know.

I searched up for the New York Aquarium that we all went to when I was young, and I went to the website and bought all the tickets for us for tomorrow. The website gave me a confirmation of our tickets, so I took a screenshot on my phone.

In secret, I closed the tabs on my laptop and closed my laptop, so it will be a great surprise to them.

It's evening, and I went downstairs to tell my family the great news.

I see them all watching TV, and I turn it off with the remote.

"We were just about to see the Finale!" My dad complains.

"Come on, Ramona, wait, why are you smiling like that?" Gabriel looks at me horrified.

"I have great news!" I inform them.

They look at me with confusion and concern, which I don't blame them for.

"I got us tickets to the aquarium for tomorrow!!!" I tell them with excitement.

"YOU'RE LYING." Gabriel gets up quickly at the thought of that.

"And why would I lie about that?" I question him.

"How did you even pay? Sure had to be a lot of money." My dad gives me a weird look.

He has a good point.

"I have a job at a bookstore that is only a few blocks away. Please don't be mad at me." Hoping they won't be upset.

My family stays silent for a minute, and my mom speaks up. "Thank you so much, Ramona. You're such a blessing to our family."

"Yeah, good job, Ramona." Gabriel thanked me. They all give me a bear hug, and I hug them back.

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We're driving to the New York Aquarium, which doesn't take us long. We shortly arrive, and we confirm our tickets to the man in a tropical outfit.

"That guy was definitely in a good mood." Gabriel states implying from his outfit.

"That is what they all have to wear, Gabriel." I tell him as we walk into the first part of the aquarium: Spineless.

"They all look the same." I stated abruptly.

"No, they don't. They have different colors." Gabriel argues.

"I don't believe that, if I must say." I cross my arms.

Our parents let us bicker on about our debate of the Pacific octopuses.

After our so-called debate, we saw moon jellies and zombie worms, which I haven't heard of.

After our first exhibit, we went to the second one called Ocean Wonders: Sharks!

The sea animals look so beautiful as they swim in the coral reef.

"Hasn't changed a bit, and I love it." Gabriel informs us.

"Just like old times." Our dad sidehugs us both, in memory of the first time we went here.

"Do you know there is such a thing called a nurse shark? They actually do perform dentistry." Our mom notifies us.

"Really?" I ask mom in curiosity.

"No, they actually don't perform dentistry. That part I thought was funny, so I said it, lolz." She explains.

After exploring the second exhibit, we walked to the aquatheater and got us seats. The show started, and many applauded throughout the show.

The sea lions look so cute.

I want one as a pet.

But of course, that will never happen.

Afterward, we skipped the PlayAquarium and jumped straight to the Sea Cliffs.

I haven't seen a penguin in a long time. I remember a penguin tackled me when I was five years old, and five year old me was terrified.

Then, we saw sea otters, more sea lions, and harbor seals.

Lastly, we strolled in the Conservation Hall and looked at a variety of aquatic habitats.

"I'm hungry." Gabriel's stomach grumbled uncontrollably.

"You're always hungry." I simply claimed.

"Speaking of dinner, we're going to Bijan's." My mom announced, and so we dashed to the restaurant.

We arrived at the restaurant and looked at the menu before we started ordering.

"What are you getting?" Gabriel inquired.

"The Bijan burger. What about you?"

"The Persian chicken salad sandwich." He tells me.

Unlike me, he's vegetarian.

Our waiter came to our table and we ordered our food and our waiter left to make the food.

As we waited, we talked about school and life in general. Just in time; our food came, and we said grace quietly and ate our food.

The burger was actually so bomb. We should come here more often.

After dinner, our dad paid our waiter with the receipt, and we left the restaurant.

I gotta admit it was amazing to have a day with my family.

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Author's Note: Heyy!!! I hope you guys like my fast updates now that I'm more active, lol. Anyway, I really hope you guys liked this chapter, and I'll see you guys in the next one!

Question of the day: burgers or pizza? For me, it's burgers all the way! :D

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