Chapter 29

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Today was the day of cherishing Jesus's birthday.

Essentially, Christmas.

It was already six at night, and all of us got together in our pajamas, and the eight of us played uno.

Meanwhile, my parents, Gabriel and Carmen, had a conversation with each other.

"You are so going to lose." Carlos told me.

Did he really tell that to the master of uno?

"Oh really?" I questioned him as I put my last card down, which was a 4 plus.

Carlos smile faded as I played my card down.

Watching that smirk go away was so satisfying to watch.

"You can't beat the master of uno." Gabriel told him as he was speaking from experience.

"Come on, someone has to beat her." Kaleb complains at my multiple victories of uno.

"Let's team up!" Carlos suggested and got Evie, Noelle, Kaleb, and even Miles to team up with him.

I find this absurd.

We played another game of uno, and as much as Carlos and the others wanted to defeat me, Jason won the game.

I wasn't that upset when Jason won, but if it had been Carlos or Miles, it would've been the end of my night.

"Let's do something else, I'm bored." Evie complained as we had finished the last round of uno.

"What about we start the secret santa?" Sebastian suggested and got my parents to agree with him.

Then, I shuffled the uno deck and put them in the box. After that, I sat on the pillow mattress with Noelle and Evie.

"So who wants to pick their presents first?" My mom asked all of us.

Without hesitation, Carlos went first. He picked up his present by the Christmas tree and unwrapped it as soon he got back in his spot.

He got a fast and furious shirt and chocolates.

"I LOVE FAST AND FURIOUS!" Carlos explained in happiness and joy as he held it up to show everyone.

"So, do you want to guess who's your secret santa?" Noelle asked him.

"You get one try." Carmen told him.

Carlos went into Sherlock for a minute and answered, "I want to say Sebastian, because he only ever listens to my favorite characters in Fast and Furious."

"Nope, although that is true, you love Brian O' Connor." Sebastian states his love for his favorite movie.

"Doesn't mean I'm gay, I'm saying he's attractive." Carlos claims. "Anyway, who's my original secret santa?" Carlos inquires.

Kaleb expresses, "You're not the only one who likes Fast and Furious." He motions himself that he's his secret santa.

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So far, we went through all of the presents, and it's just my present and Miles's left.

I wonder who got who.

Obviously, I'm joking. I'm not that stupid.

Evie leaves my side, and Miles's replaces Evies seat so he can sit next to me.

He grabbed his present from the Christmas tree and unwrapped the box first. He revealed it and looked stunned at the Nikes shoe box. He opened it and held up the purple pair of the Nike shoes. He looks at me with a face full of shock.

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