Chapter 4

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I do not like sweat. It disgusts me.

But right now, I'm covered in it and entirely woke from my nightmare.

I sometimes wonder how some people dealt with sweat. I have huge respect for them.

Especially when people do cross-country.

I feel bad for them.

I decide to check the time and I pick up my phone from my bedside table which reads 5:10 in the morning.


Whenever I wake up at midnight, I can never seem to go back to sleep.

Even if I try to.

Anyway, since I had woken up twice early than I usually do, I settled on doing my morning routine for school and made my bed neatly, but I didn't get ready just yet.

It is still early in the morning.

I opened my wardrobe and looked at all the mess inside it.

If only I was organized.

So, I got to work, I took everything out of my closet and placed it on my bed. I started organizing in sections such as jackets, dresses, shirts, and jeans. I started with dresses and went down the list.

As soon as I had finished, I closed my wardrobe and lay down on my bed and instantly got bored. I tried reading my book, but that didn't get me to sleep.

"Thinking, thinking, thinking, " I muttered to myself.

I thought back to my nightmare or dream. I don't know what to even call it.

A sign?

I mean, it's good thinking, but how could it be a sign?

And to what exactly?

I tried to connect the pieces, but that didn't seem to work.

The one time I am dumb is when I need my brain to work.


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I went to school and got to my usual first class, Spanish 3, and sat in my seat.

Ms. Rodriguez looked at me weirdly, "You know you don't have to come in early. We're doing the project at class time."

"I know, just extra time to work on my project," I explained to her.

The bell rang, and my classmates came in. Some gave me weird looks as to why I had been early.

One of them, Vanessa Kim, told me, "Oh, is this our teacher's pet, now?" She laughed like a hyena.

She's absolutely beautiful, with dark hair and green eyes, but her personality ruins it.

I wish people would just mind their own business.

I didn't want to cause any drama and simply ignored her by continuing with my work.

But Vanessa didn't leave me alone and came towards my desk. "Oh, now you're mute? Is that what this is?"

She won't know what will hit her.

I turned my face to her and stated, "Do you need anything to talk about? Perhaps something personal going on in your life? I am lovely to help." I gave her a cheerful smile.

She backed down, and her face hung with a surprised expression. She looked at me as if I were some creature. She slowly went to her seat and was completely shocked at what I had said to her.

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