Dark World - 2

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Next chapter, forgive my crappy editing skills and enjoy.

Shinzo, Max, and Della were sprinting across the moonlit sands, their feet sinking slightly with each desperate stride as they fled from the ominous, serpentine formation of Heartless that pursued them relentlessly. The night air was filled with the sounds of their labored breaths and the sinister hiss of the encroaching darkness. Max, his voice strained with exertion, cried out, "How long do we need to run until they quit!?"

Almost in response to his words, the Heartless Tower seemed to unfurl like a malevolent flower, its many segments spreading out to encircle the trio completely. The Heartless, creatures born of shadow and malice, appeared to be multiplying, each one a ghastly echo of the last.

Della let out a curse under her breath as she hastily prepared her blaster for the imminent confrontation. "Aw, crud..." She positioned herself back-to-back with her companions, her weapon at the ready. "Eyes up you two, don't let a single get past you!"

Max, his resolve hardening, lifted his sword in a defensive posture, the blade glinting faintly under the pale glow of the moon, held aloft as a beacon of their defiance. Shinzo, with a warrior's grace, assumed a stance reminiscent of chūdan-no-kamae, his key-shaped weapon held with both precision and intent, a silent promise of the battle to come.

Max, his brow furrowed in frustration, couldn't help but voice his disbelief. "On the very day I begin to piece together my identity, we're ambushed by these enigmatic Heartless—creatures I scarcely understand," he lamented.

Max turned to him, his expression both stern and reassuring. "Consider the silver lining, Shinzo," he offered with a hint of wry humor amidst the chaos. "Should we emerge victorious from this trial, we'll have the opportunity to delve deeper into our mysteries over a well-deserved lunch."

The Heartless approach is when something in the thick dark sea begins to ripple into water. Suddenly, something leaped from the sludge-like water and onto the shore.

It was a knight in a helm with horns on the side and a mouthpiece with fangs, resembling a snake's head. In a bulky, exoskeletal armor with dark silver shoulder guards and light silver pieces on the collarbone, chest, and hips area, underneath a black spandex suit with yellow stripes on the bicep, hips, shin, and feet area. Silver gauntlets, sharp dagger-like knee guards, bulky ankle guards, and a bridge with soles.  

He was holding a key-like with a golden part shaped like a gear with a silver handle. A small golden piece is attached to a small chain at the end of said handle.

Upon seeing the key-like weapon in the knight's hand, "Think he's with you?" Della asked Shinzo

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Upon seeing the key-like weapon in the knight's hand, "Think he's with you?" Della asked Shinzo.

The knight then raised his weapon before he turned his key-like blade horizontally before slashing toward the Heartless. "Fall." The knight stated. Then in a manner of milliseconds, the Heartless were sliced and diced into pieces.

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