9: Mom-zilla Pt. 2

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He loved his mom, he really did. But he really wished she stayed somewhere else.

She wanted to do stuff with him all day, everyday.

Which meant he had no time to mark exams during the day, so he would have to use his nights to mark them. And not to mention she stole his room. He's just grateful none of his Pokemon have been affected. He had recently caught a Litten and a Rowlet. He was happy that they were okay with the sleeping arrangements, but he wasn't.

Right now, it was 2:42 am, and he rubbed his eyes as he tiredly marked the tests with minimum light. He wants to sleep so bad, but he needs to mark these tests as fast as he could. He knows his mother means well, but she could be really inconsiderate. He'll just have to deal with it for the time being. But he has an Island Challenge, and he won't do as well as he will hope.

Morning came quite quickly, and Kukui felt very bad for Ash. He hasn't slept since Tuesday, it was Friday. He really wish Ash would get some sleep. His dark eyes were getting more and more visible each day. And he hates how Ash would tell him and the kids he was okay. He truly wasn't.

Delia also got up to make breakfast for the two. Honestly, Kukui found having Delia there really nice. She would make breakfast for them, buy groceries, do laundry and clean when they're at work. It was truly a delight. Ash would kind of beg to differ. Sure it was nice to see her, but she would constantly judge him, correct him and would want him to go shopping with her. And when he declined, she would guilt-trip him! Learned from him. So he had to go with her!

He just wished she would be more considerate of his feelings too. And he wanted to confront her about it, but he was afraid she would turn the conversation around against him. Saying he should too with all the reckless acts he does, not even think about the consequences. She had a hidden talent of making herself the victim. So he just left it. She was going to stay there for only a few more days. Then things would go back to what they were.

He just got back from school, when his mother approached him. "Honey! Do you want to cook now? Since you're finished marking all those tests, I can finally teach you our family recipes!" Oh right, that.

"Mom, I would love to! But I'm really tired, and I have plans with Gary tonight. Tomorrow I promise you can teach me."

His mother was very distraught. He always postponed her cooking lessons. She left to the kitchen without saying anything else. Oh great, she's giving him the cold shoulder.

This story would be good to share to the therapy group. He was actually going there right now. He had to miss a few sessions because he had to mark the tests. He quickly went upstairs to change his clothes before leaving. Pikachu ran up and climbed up his shoulder. Before he walked out he declared, "Mom! I'm leaving!"

No response.

He got suspicious and walked into the kitchen. He looked around and saw her mother doing the unthinkable!  She was burning the cook book!

"MOM!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!" He got the fire extinguisher and put out the flames. Has his mother lost her mind?!

"Mom! What the Hell was that?! You could've set the entire house on fire! Why on Arceus' beautiful green Earth are you burning the family cook book?" This made no sense, she came to teach him the family recipes. Now she's burning it!

"Since you obviously don't want to learn the recipes, what's the point of carrying a legacy that will end? So I decided to burn it," she stated simply. Ash's eye was twitching with irritation, and Pikachu rubbed his neck as an attempt to prevent him from blowing up. His mother was the pettiest person on Earth!

"So you're telling me, just because I was tired and had plans, you decided to torch the family cook book?" he asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Yes! You don't care about the legacy and you're the only other person in the family to carry on the tradition. So I thought to speed up the process of ending it." 

"What about Jamie? She's also here!"

"I already taught her some of them, but she nearly burnt the house down, so I gave up on teaching her." Oh, because Jamie can't cook, she automatically assumed he could?! This was the last straw for him.

"Fine! You what?! I would LOVE to learn the family recipes! You know what, since you have no regard to my feelings and what I want, let's learn ALL of them!!!" He didn't mean to yell, but she had been on his nerves since the day she came, and it felt great to yell!

"Really? Oh, thank you honey!" She gave him a quick kiss and went to upstairs to get him an apron. What just happened? How was she so chill? Was this her trap all along, to get him to relent and cook with her? If so, he fell right into it. He leaned on the counter and released a tired exhale. Pikachu nuzzled his arm as a way to comfort him. He has been so distressed these past few days.

Guess he has to skip therapy today. And cancel his plans with Gary.


He thought it wouldn't be fun, but it was great to cook with Delia. Pikachu was even helping. They were having loads of fun and had music too. She was currently teaching him how to make egg fried rice and he was doing pretty well. He finished making it and asked his mom to try it.

"Oh my goodness, Satoshi! This is the best egg fried rice I've ever tasted!" she exclaimed. Ash celebrated as he got his mother's approval.

"Oh wow! I'm so happy," he said.

"With cooking skills like this, you can drop Pokémon training altogether and join the family business of running the diner!" she said happily. But Ash was far from happy.

"What did you just say?" he asked slowly, trying to make sure his ears weren't  playing tricks on him. But he knew they weren't from his mother's lack of response.

"You didn't come here to spend time with me, did you? You only came to convince me let go of my dreams!"

"Yes, but--" she was cut off because Ash was still making strong but accurate accusations.

"You probably didn't even teach Jamie yet! You taught me because you hated the fact that I was a trainer! Do I really shame you that much?!" he yelled as he had tears of anger and betrayal stream down his face.

"Of course not! You haven't won a single league and I was worried that you won't get a stable job! Is it wrong for a mother to worry?!" she screamed back. 

"You have no faith in me! Maybe the reason why I lost so many times was because I didn't have a mother to support me! I didn't have a mother to say "Congrats on coming so far!" or "I'm so proud!" You wouldn't even acknowledge all my achievements. I wanted to become a trainer to make you proud! I don't even know why I'm still a trainer because no matter what I do, I will never be enough for you, will I?!!" His mother didn't say anything. It was either she was too stunned to speak or that he was right. 

It was both.

No wonder she chose to stay with him and not Jamie.

"You know what, get out."

"Satoshi, please. Let's talk this out," she reasoned.

"No, I'm done talking to you. I want you to leave right now. Get your stuff and leave. You can stay at Jamie's house." He was beyond angry with her. He couldn't even look at her.

"Satoshi, please."

"And when you're there, don't even think about calling me! I don't want to talk," he said firmly. He wasn't going to talk to her. Delia finally relented. She went out of the kitchen and went upstairs to his room to get her stuff.

Now this was a story to share with the group.

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