4. Game On!!

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TW: Before I Die has swearing. I'm too obsessed. It's a sickness. XD

"Nuzzle, Togedemaru!" commanded Mallow.

"Dodge and use Water Gun!" It was able to evade the oncoming attack and landed a hit on Togedemaru.

"Are you okay?"

"Toge!" Mallow was glad it still wanted to battle. It took quite a hit.
"Alright, use another Nuzzle!" Squirtle's luck fortunately ran out and got a critical hit from the roly-poly Pokémon.

"Quick attack, Squirtle."

"Defence Curl!" Mallow was concerned because Togedemaru had only learned this move recently and wasn't 100% a master at it. But a wave of relief washed over Mallow as the Pokémon took minimal damage.

"Now Tackle, then Charge!"

"Hide in shell, quick!" Unfortunately Squirtle wasn't fast enough and took the attacks head-on, taking critical damage.

"Finish this off with a Thundershock!" That Thundershock was just enough to make Squirtle faint. It took Mallow a second to let the fact that she won sink in.

After quietly thanking his partner for the battle, he gave Mallow her next clue.

"Congrats, kid."

"Thank you, let's go, Togedemaru."

Once she was out of sight, he picked up his collar, where a little mic was attached to it.

"Yo, Ashy. You copy?" he asked.

"I'm here, Gary. Also how many times have I told you to not call me Ashy?!" he scolded on the other side. He had been calling Ash that since they were 10. It's been 9 years!

"Yeah, I'm never going to stop calling you that, I may have referred to you as that when I met one of your students," he confessed sheepishly.

"You're a dead man, Oak!"

"Speaking of which, the green-haired girl, Mallow, she passed."

"That's great, but tell me you went easy on her?"

"I captured an entirely new team of Pokémon and I didn't even try, is that easy enough for ya?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you. Report back when you battled someone else, Gar-Bear," he said in a teasing tone.

"You know I hate that!"

"Now you know how I feel, Oak Tree."

"SATOSHI! I hate you so much." Ash can be a jerk at times.

"No you don't. You love me~ I'm irresistible. And you know it."

"Yeah, you're right. See you for beers tomorrow."

"Love you, Gar-Bear~~"

"I'm gonna kill--" Ash cut the line before he had a chance to finish his sentence, thankfully.


Kiawe finally figured out his second clue after he battled that guy who Ash referred as "Oak Tree" and "Gar-Bear." He might've heard their little conversation before entering the restaurant. His second clue led him to a clothing shop, weird. As he was walking in with Popplio, a woman with straight, brown hair and hazel eyes came up to Kiawe with a very joyous smile.

"Hello~ You must be Kiawe!" she said as she shook his hand.

"And you are?" he asked sceptically. Again, he was not a big fan of foreigners. And she didn't really have an Alolan accent.

"I'm Jamie, and I will be the one who's challenging you."

"Okay, so...where exactly are we battling?"

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