3. First Day of School

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TW: Problematic has swearing. I really can't remember the original, but it will have the same concept :) 

Ash had no idea what to do for class. Professor said that the class was lacking in the practical department. So what, a scavenger hunt? Nah, too easy. Unless...


Kukui woke up bright and early. After he gave Rockruff some food, he brewed the one thing he will die without: coffee. That bitter, strong scent is absolute heaven. He always feels much better once he drank that coffee.

Ash on the other hand looked like he died, came back alive and crawled out of the dirt.

"Morning' Ash. You okay? You look like you crawled out of a dumpster," he commented.

Ash laughed sarcastically, it is too early in the morning for his sh--

"I didn't sleep properly," he snapped back sharply. (Dang, so savage. Couldn't even finish:(   )

'She mentioned fatigue.'


"Because I had to set up a lesson for class today."

'Okay, that's fine. I do that. It's not because of depression or nightmares,' Kukui thought to himself.

"Well, I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee. You want?" he offered.

"Yes. Need. Coffee. Give me the pot."

He handed the pot to Ash slightly confused. Why would he need the pot? His question got answered as he chugged  the entire pot of coffee without hesitation or flinching at how hot it was. Kukui is going to need a lot more beans.


Kukui was waiting anxiously for Ash to arrive. He said he would arrive before the end of second break, but the bell had already rung!

'Where is he?' After everyone came back,  Ash busty through the door, panting like a dog. What did this kid have planned?

"Need...everyone...outside...follow...me," he said in between his pants.

They followed Ash outside, reason: unknown.

"Okay everyone. My class with you guys is a scavenger hunt!" Lots of cheers and boasts came from the small class. They were not gonna like what's about to happen next.

"Well, I'm glad you all are so happy. Because there's a twist." The entire mood of the class changed! Everyone was so depressed and sad, but most of all angry.
They actually liked Ash before, except for Kiawe. He just doesn't like foreigners.

"You will have to switch Pokémon. Kiawe and Lana swap, Sophocles and Mallow swap, and Lillie, you are going to use my Pikachu." Lillie visibly paled at Ash's instructions, but he reassured her that she wouldn't have to touch it, just battle. Lillie was immediately relieved, she didn't even say she just didn't want to touch Pikachu.

"But if you win then you get a prize and free bragging rights for a week." Now that peeked their interest. Not the bragging though. Ash was glad the class was feeling more determined. A goal or prize is an amazing motivator. 

Once everyone had swapped Pokémon, Ash started explaining the lesson.

"So here's how this works: You will each get a clue from me that will lead you to a place. There will be someone who have your next clue, to get it must battle them with the Pokémon I instructed you to have." This was bad. Everyone only specialize in one type of Pokémon. This brought more dread amongst the students.

"Oh, if you think that's bad, you're really going to hate me." Oh no, what's happening?

"If you lose your battle, then you're out of the competition and must return to school." So there's no rematch, but that made them more determined, but they still hate Ash. They're pretty sure Kiawe will take Ash out to the middle of the ocean and drown him, and frankly, they're okay with that. Ash handed them their clues, but it quite confusing. It said: A place where food is mixed with fun. But food is fun, so where are they going to go? Mallow figured it out pretty quickly, a place that has food and fun is Mina's, a restaurant where you can eat and battle. It's her dad's neighbouring restaurant. She ran with Togedemaru as fast as she could so no one would follow her.


She arrived at Mina's very tired, running was not a good idea! She tried looking for someone who looked like a friend of Ash, but she doesn't really no him. So she doesn't really know what she's looking for. But she didn't need to look because the friend found her. He had brown spiky hair, and black eyes.

"Excuse me, are you Mallow, Ashy's student?" he asked. She had to hold in her laugh, but a snort was able to escape. "Ashy?"  She is so going to use that name against him one day. But today, she was going to win. Not blackmail Ash. 

"Yes, I am," she said proudly.

"Well, in that case, I challenge you to a battle!"

They went to either side of the field by the restaurant.

"Go, Togedemaru!" exclaimed Mallow.

"Come on out, Squirtle!" A little blue turtle emerged from his Pokéball. Mallow had only ever studied Alolan Pokémon before. But she knows by the look of this Pokémon that it's a water-type. Even though she has a type advantage, she really sucks at battling. But she had to beat this guy, so she could get that prize.

Well, I guess it's game on!


I tried to make it better by changing a few things, but let me know what u guys think. I hope u had a good New Years!!

A New Teacherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें