8: Mom-zilla: Pt 1

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Ash was really enjoying his time in Alola. He really found his passion, other than battling, amazing. Although he was quite young, it was so nice to teach students the art of battling and share his stories about his journeys. There was only one thing he didn't like: marking.

As Kukui's TA, he also has a job to test the students and mark their exams. It always took so long because not only did he have to mark his class', but the entire grade's! I guess he finally knew how Kukui felt.

At least Pikachu was being helpful. And Rockruff was giving him the emotional support he so desperately needs.

Kukui was right when he said that his kids were academically gifted. The rest, not so much. He was cringing at how some kids got the easiest of questions wrong. He wanted to kill himself. Not that Arceus would let him though. He eventually fell asleep while marking papers.

While he was asleep, someone knocked on the professor's door. Kukui, doing the same thing as Ash, heard it from his lab and went to see who it was.

To his surprise, it was Delia with all her luggage! He didn't know if he should be glad or scared.

"Alola, Professor!" she said in a cheerful manner.

"Alola, Delia. What're you doing here? I thought you were in Kanto."

"Oh, I thought I would come for a visit! I feel like I didn't get to experience Alola that much. I thought since I was here, I would check on Satoshi--I mean Ash," she stated.

"Of course! Let me call him."

He went upstairs to call Ash down while Delia xame inside and down on the couch. He found out that Ash was asleep on the student's tests. He chuckled at him and tried to wake him up. The key word is 'tried.' He asked Pikachu to wake him up.

"Pika!" he squeaked in agreement. But they had totally different meanings to 'wake him up.' Kukui thought he was going to gently nudge him, not full-on Thunderbolt him!


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Delia heard him scream and raced upstairs!

"I heard a scream! What happened?!" she asked frantically. She answered her own question as she saw her son on the floor, electrocuted.

"Pika chu!" Pikachu saw Delia and jumped up into her arms happily.

"Alola, Pikachu! I missed you too," she greeted happily and hugged him.

As soon as Ash heard his mom's voice, he got up up and hugged her.

"Mom! Hi, what're you doing here?"

"I was in the area and I thought I would come visit."

Rockruff saw her too, and curiously sniffed her feet.

"And who is this adorable little guy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu squeaked angrily from her arms.

"Don't worry, Pikachu. You're still the cutest," she reassured him.

"This is Rockruff," Kukui said. She went down to pet her and she licked Delia's fingers.

"Aw, she's so sweet," she said as she gently, "Hey, since I'm here, I thought I would spend some time with you. We could go see more of Alola together and I could even teach you some new recipes!"

"Mom, I would love to!" he said happily.

"That's so go--"

"After I finish grading exams," he added. Her smile dropped as she heard he couldn't do it.

"But Satoshi, I want to teach you as many recipes as I can. Since I'm not going to be around forever--"

"Mom! You can't just say things like that!" he yelled.

"I meant in Alola! Not on this Earth! Jeez, I'm not that old."

"Sorry. Just... you didn't come at the best time. It's midterms and we got a lotta work to do."

"Oh, well of you don't want to spend time with me, then just say so!" Ash was appalled at what her mother was saying. She was always like this! So annoying!!

He turned to the professor and asked if he could give them a few minutes alone. He said yes and left the loft. He turned back to his mother, trying to keep up his happy demeanor, even though he was slightly irritated by his mother.

"Mom, you know I have a job now. So we might not be able to do everything we used to," he said, trying to knock some sense into his mother.

"But Satoshi, I've missed you so much. I wanted to spend time with you."

Ash held his mother's hands gently as he said, "Mom. I have missed you so much. But remember, okay, I'm really busy now. But I promise you, when I'm done, you can teach me any recipe you want."

She looked at her son in his hazel eyes before finally agreeing.

"So where do you plan on staying?" he asked his mother. When he asked her that, she had a sort of guilty look on her face.

"Actually, I was hoping to stay with you guys. Sorry to dump this on you."

This is what drove Ash crazy. She would just assume that if she did whatever she wanted, everyone would be magically okay with it like some fairy dust crap.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was so tired.

"Okay then. You'll sleep here while I will just...sleep on the couch while I grade papers and...get necks cramps," he replied sadly, hoping to guilt-trip his mom into booking an Airbnb or staying in a hotel.

"Alright! Thanks, honey," she thanked as she kissed him on his cheek. She went downstairs to grab her luggage and left Ash totally dumbstruck. That did not go as planned.

He should of known his mother wouldn't fall for his guilt-trip. She wasn't as weak as she was before when he begged her for toys when he was a little kid(sadly).

He turned to see Pikachu who gave him the the most judgemental look he had ever seen.

"Pikachu pi chu ka ka pika pi chu?(Did you really think that would work?)"

"Oh shut up. You would do the same."


OH MY F(BLEEEEEP) GOSH ITS DONE FINALLYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Guess what guys, I bunked the last day of school today, soo... ITS DA HOLIDAYYYYSSS!!!! BREAK OPEN DA TEQUILA!!!! Just kidding! I'm 13! Well, I'm turning 13 in 3 days. Drink responsibly everyone, and drink water💦!


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