7. You Gave Him What?!

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Hi, remember when I said that I was going to make a weird chapter, this is it. TW: drug use is mentioned. Also idk if I used Beggin' already, but u gotta admit this song is FIRE.

Where was he? He felt as if he was floating, but it didn't feel right. He couldn't move his arms or his legs. He tried to speak, tried to call out for help. Why couldn't he speak? Whenever he tried to speak, nothing came out. Something was coming towards him, a dark shadowy figure, with eyes he knew all too well.


Every fiber of his being was telling him to run. To scream. To do anything at all, to get away from him. His breath was quickening with every step he was coming closer. He looked away, he can't bear to look at his eyes, filled with so much hatred, and bloodlust. And manic. Lysandre grabbed him by his neck and forced him to look into his eyes. He could feel his tears roll down his face. Lysandre smiled at his fear, he loved it. He came close and whispered in his ear with a sickly, sinister voice,"I will find you and kill everyone you love. I will make you suffer. Boy."

He shot up screaming with sweat rolling down his face. He looked around frantically to see where Lysandre was. He was back at the loft. H-how did he get here? His cheeks felt wet. He must've been crying his dream.

'It was just a dream,' he told himself.

He went to wipe his face when he saw a bandage around his wrist.

How long was out? It was dark so must've been a few hours. He was so weak, what was he thinking passing out like that?! Everyone saw. He heard someone coming up so he quickly wiped his tears. He saw him faint already, he did not need to see him cry because of a silly nightmare.


"Hey, Ash. How are you feeling?" asked Kukui as Pikachu jumped into Ash's arms.

"Better." Not really though, his hand and head still hurts.

"That's good! I brought some tea, to help soothe the headache." He sat down next to Ash and handed him the tea. But Ash doesn't like tea, but he drank it anyway.

"Ash I need to ask you something," Kukui said softly, he put his hands on his shoulders in a friendly manner.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" he yelled frantically as he was shaking Ash back and forth like a poor rag doll. He was hoping he could shake some sense into him.

"Stop shaking me or else I'm going to throw up!"

"Sorry but why would you jump off a cliff?!"

"I don't know, instinct?" he said dumbly.

"You need to come up with a better excuse than that."

"I'm sorry, I just...I had to save Pikachu. He's my best friend, and besides I did it before."

It took Kukui a hot second to process what Ash just said. Did he say... he jumped off cliffs to save Pikachu before?

"I-I'm just going to forget you just said that." That will be a conversation for another day, but today was just...a rollercoaster.

"Professor, that Pokémon. What was that?"

"That was Tapu Koko, one of our island guardian. It's said that Tapu Koko likes to play tricks on people it likes, but it never really liked foreigners before."

"There are more?" he asked quite surprised.

"Yes, but you will learn more about them later on."

"Also that bracelet."

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