5. Lesson Finale and Some Therapy!

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Hey y'all! Guess who's back?? Ash's Dad!! He finally got the milk. Nah, I'm just playing, its me. I would I ask if it wasn't me? But I'm back, I know. Grab ur pitchforks and torches. How you guys liking the remake? Once I'm done remaking the chapters, I got a really, really funny chapter 7 that has been nagging me to write it. Let's just say, it gets really weird. But let's get into this!

Mallow and Lillie were the last remaining students in the hunt, and ironically, there last round was where it started. They reached the school battlefield where Ash was waiting there, strangely kind of acting like a ringmaster of a circus and the students were his freaks.

"Mallow, Lillie. It seems you have made it to the end. This round is a sudden-death round. You two will face off in order to win the prize. Are you guys ready?"

They both nodded with fierce determination. No way would one of them back down.

"Let's win, Pikachu!"

"In your dreams. Togedemaru!"

Ash admired how worked up they were getting. He would always be like this when he was 10 when Gary called him a loser. Look at them now. Best friends who always says 'I hate you.' He's just glad that they didn't have a 10 year old, self-absorbed Gary in their school. Or maybe they did, this is his first day.

"Alright, ladies. Battle Begin!"

Mallow and Togedemaru started off with a Tackle, but Pikachu was able to avoid it very easily.

"Thunderbolt, Pikachu!" Pikachu charged up a very powerful one, but somehow, Togedemaru absorbed it!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Lillie, you should know that Togedemaru has a lightning rod ability," Mallow said dramatically for no reason. Everyone sweatdropped at her, even Togedemaru.

"Fine then, Pikachu use Iron Tail." That attack took quite a toll on it. But it was still able to battle.

"Pin Missile!" Pikachu was barely able to dodge them. They were going to continue until Kukui came and interrupted the battle.

"I'm sorry guys, but it's the end of the day. Everyone switch back Pokémon and go grab your bags, we'll see you all tomorrow." Everyone was so bummed! It was the last round. But they did as they were told. The girls all went to Lana's house to study, Sophocles walked home with Togedemaru and Kiawe went home with Charizard. That just left Ash and Kukui walking home together.

"Ash, today's lesson was amazing! How'd you pull it off?" He was in awe at how fast he organised today.

"Oh, I just made a few calls. No biggie."

They reached the house and Ash was about to go straight to the loft.

"Hey, Ash. Don't you want to eat first?"

"No thanks. I'm not hungry."


"W-well, I need to prepare for school...stuff. A-and you probably have to do professor-y things." Kukui knew a lie when he heard one. And that's not one of his best. Before he pushed it any further, he realized how thin he was. Something was not right.

"You sure? All you had today was a pot of coffee and cheese." His mother had told him about the not eating properly in the email he sent her, same with the lack of sleep.

"Yeah, and besides, I'm meeting a friend at a restaurant," he lied.

"Ash don't be ridiculous."

"I'm fine! I'm not worth the worry, anyway." Kukui could not believe the words coming out of his mouth! 'Not worth the worry,' BS.

A New Teacherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें