Chapter 8

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A/N: violence, gore, horror, smut & swearing! Do not take that gore warning lightly! You've been warned...

Liam was on his knees, lifting his head his blue eyes met with Theo's green ones. The green forest complimenting them "this sucks," Liam complained making Theo roll his eyes as he crouched to Liam's level.

"You just have to feel it," Theo said making Liam raise a brow. Theo snickered, "feel the ground beneath you and feel the dirt under your fingers," Theo said calmly.

Liam rolled his eyes "you make it sound so easy," he said shaking his head. Taking a deep breath he placed his hands into the dirt.

"This might be easier on a full moon," Theo said standing back up. Liam looked back up to him.

"This isn't going to work," Liam snapped standing up and brushing himself off, "maybe I can't shift?" He said with a huff.

Theo sighed "you'll be able to shift Liam," he said placing a hand on the betas shoulder, any excuse to touch him "you just need to practice, we'll try again on the next full moon." he said in a soothing tone.

"Scott couldn't shift, so maybe I can't shift-" Liam shrugged.

Theo frowned "Scott never tried, he probably could shift if he focused. You'll be able to," Theo replied, pulling his hand away.

Liam sighed "if you say so," he said shaking his head "can we go now?" He asked, happy when Theo nodded.

They had been at this for almost an hour and Liam hadn't been able to shift as of yet. But Theo was determined to help him, he just knew Liam would be stronger if he could shift. Plus, he'd be a pretty wolf... definitely a white or maybe even a brown coloured wolf.

Being half coyote, it was easier for Theo to shift...similar to Malia it had come a lot more naturally for him. Werewolves however usually had a harder time unlocking that side of themselves which is why only Derek had been successful in that department.

Getting into the car, Liam got into the passenger's side and shut his door. Turning to Theo he caught sight of his small smile "why are you smiling?" Liam asked.

Theo let out a soft laugh "because you're cute when you're frustrated-" Theo said.

Abruptly shutting his mouth when he realised he had in fact said that out loud. Liam raised a brow "oh?" He asked. Theo bit his lip and turned back to the road in front of him, ignoring Liam's obnoxious laugh.

"You helped me last night," Theo bluntly said knowing it would fluster the beta.

And as expected, Liam open and closed his mouth. He turned to the window "you're welcome," he said not looking at Theo.

"Why?" Theo asked, he knew why but he needed to hear him say it.

Liam frowned "what do you mean, why?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Why did you do that?" Theo reiterated, glancing Liam's way only for the beta to shrug.

"Maybe because you're right, I don't want to see you dead-" Liam stated with a sigh before adding "plus, you looked scared..."

Theo gave a light nod, if only you knew... "well, thanks." Theo said. Liam didn't know what Theo had gone through and Theo intended to keep it that way, he didn't like that it made him weak. Growing up with the dread doctors was definitely enough to make a child grow thick skin.

But then again, worrying what others thought of him didn't exactly scream 'tough guy'. He wasn't sure he wanted that exterior image of himself to crumble at the fact that he was terrified to sleep and scared to death of his sister... maybe one day he'd tell Liam, but definitely not in the foreseeable future.

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