The Things That Happen At Night

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Three figures convened on the outskirts of a small town.

Two bore high-ranking military uniforms, and the other wore a simple tunic.

"Thank you for meeting with us," the first figure said.

"He will be very happy that you did," the second agreed.

The third figure clasped their hands in front of them. "I hope you have good reason for doing this."

"Of course we do," the first figure replied. "You are willingly involved in an illegal organization, not to mention directly disobeying the one order He gave you."

The third figure tensed, and the second figure chuckled. "Don't worry. He still wants to keep you safe, so He offered you a deal: send Him information, and no harm will come to your new playthings." 

"I don't know anything. There's no information for me to send."

The first two  figures exchanged a glance, then the first shrugged. "That's your problem. He knows about the one that you left with. And He also knows how to... take out the trash, so to speak." The figure paused. "So I suggest you come up with something before it's too late."

With that, the two disappeared into the woods, leaving the third standing there, thinking a million impossible things.

The first two hundred revolving around someone.

The rest trying to save them.


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