Chapter 7 - Secret Conversations Are Annoying

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[TW: Implied eating disorder]

"So," Jasmine started, "I feel like a she right now. If you could, you know, use that."

I nodded.

We were seated next to each other in the corner table that I'd mentioned. 

The canteen, or cafeteria for anyone who doesn't call it that, was a large, open room filled with tables in various styles and shelves lining one wall. Said shelves were kept stocked with goodies.

"You wanna get some food?" 

I hesitated. "If you're hungry, go ahead, but I ate when I woke up."

She stood and held out a hand to me. When I just sat there staring at her like a fool, she sighed impatiently and grabbed my elbow. 

"I- I don't- uh..." I trailed off when she stopped walking to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Never mind," I muttered but she shook her head.

"No, go on. You don't what?"

"I don't really... eat. In public, I mean."

Her mouth slid into a frown and her nose scrunched up. Her freckles looked really cute. "You just said you already ate?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry."

Jasmine studied me for a moment longer before shrugging and continuing on. She still had a hold of my elbow, and we were getting a few curious looks, so I shook my arm to loosen her grip. Her hand slid down to mine and I gripped it like my life depended on it. Neither of us acknowledged the change.

We reached the counter and Jasmine selected a paper bag with a hastily scrawled label that I couldn't decipher.

She turned back to face me and shook the bag in my face. "Do I have to pay for this?"

"No, you're good."

When we returned to the table, Jasmine sat next to me on the booth as apposed to the open seat across from it. Our hands were still clasped.

Neither of us said anything about it. I couldn't tell if she even noticed.

With her free hand, she broke the seal on the bag and pulled out the previously concealed pastry.  

"Okay, so, if you could go on an all-expenses-paid vacay for a week, where would you go?" She inquired through a mouthful of dough and filling. 


Jasmine waved her eclair around. "Y'know, vacation."

"Oh. Well... I dunno. Can I bring anyone with?"

She considered that. "Sure, you don't gotta go alone."

"Hmm. I guess... maybe Singapore with Robin. We had a brief visit a couple years ago and I'd love to go back." I chewed on my bottom lip. "John didn't enjoy it, said it was too humid."

Her grin curved into a small frown. "What? You wouldn't bring me?" She layered on a forlorn sigh and took another bite. "I'm devastated."

She snickered at my expression while I stumbled over my words in an attempt at redemption.

"No, no, I mean yes- I mean, I just figured- I didn't think you'd-" 

Jasmine's snicker turned into a cackle and I stopped trying to form a coherent sentence.

"Oh Alex, I'm just teasing. It's okay."

We fell into silence while she finished her eclair.

"I've never been out of the United States," she mumbled.

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