Chapter 36 - Good and bad

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I wake up early and have a moment of pure contentment. Ethan is breathing evenly next to me, his hand low on my stomach. My core aches beautifully from the treatment it got last night, and it makes me smile.

I check the time and sigh. Slowly waking Ethan up and spending the morning in bed sounds like pure heaven. But I have an early shift at Lucky's today and I need to get back to the apartment so I can shower and change. There's still time, but if I stay here, I'm never going to want to leave.

And Ethan could so easily keep me here.

With as much caution as I can summon, I slide away from him and out of the bed. I have to search for a while for my clothes and stub my toe on the bed, but I manage to get dressed without waking him.

Relieved, I gently open the door.


Smiling, I have to resist the urge to rip off my clothes again and get back in bed.

"I have work," I say softly and look back at him.

Fuck, he's gorgeous. With his soft curls and sleepy eyes. I hold on to the door to stay put.

"You're leaving? Without waking me?"

I raise an eyebrow. "If I had woken you while I was naked in your bed, would I be leaving on time?"

He grins. "Not a chance." When he gets up in all his nakedness, I bite my lip and keep a firm grip on the door. "I'll drive you." He's already searching for a pair of pants.

"That's ok, I don't mind walking. And you look tired. Don't you have a game tonight?"

He pulls on some sweats and yawns. "Yeah, but I can still drive you."

I shake my head. "Go back to bed."

"Let me at least see you out." He walks up to me and puts his hand on the door above my head. I swallow.

Before his presence can entrance me, I duck out of his room.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks as I open the front door. I need to be outside, or I'm going back to bed.

"I'm working tomorrow night."

I step out on the front steps and finally feel a bit safer.

"You're always working." He follows me and grabs my hips. I don't care. I give in and place my hands on his naked chest. Touching him is intoxicating. I relish in the feel of his skin as I move my fingers up over his shoulders and around his neck.

His lips cover mine and it's a hungry kiss, almost desperate, as if we didn't enjoy each other fully just a few hours ago.

"I have to go," I mumble against his lips and hold him tighter.

"Then let me go?" He's not making any effort to help me.

I taste his lips again and sink into him. Fuck, I could do this all day.

With a growl, I pull back. My breathing is heavy. "Are you trying to get me to stay?"

"Naturally," he winks as I back away from him and almost fall off the steps. His reflexes are surprisingly quick for someone who just woke up. He grabs my arm and steadies me.

"I need to go."

He nods. "I'll see you later."

I reach out and stroke his abs. So fucking delicious. With an effort, I push myself away and turn around.

I hear him chuckle before he closes the door and smile to myself. How did I get so lucky as to catch his eye?

A strange feeling of being watched makes me look up. Two women are staring at me from across the street. One of them has her phone out.

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