Chapter 15 - When life gives you lemons

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I'm feeling giddy as I get ready for the game. I only went to a couple of games last year. Connor doesn't like hockey. And since he didn't like me going out by myself, it was just easier to not go.

I think maybe I shouldn't have let him control me so much and put limits on everything I did. But he was so charming and sometimes, he was the perfect boyfriend.

I shake off the past. Tonight is about the present. And the thought of watching Ethan on the ice is oddly exciting. I wonder if he'll try to find me in the crowd? He didn't say anything about meeting up afterward, but he knows I have work.

Depending on how late the game goes, I might have time to wait for him outside. My cheeks flush at the thought. Would that be weird? We've only been on one date, so maybe it would be too presumptuous of me. He might think I'm overstepping if I suddenly show up. Or maybe he'll be expecting me to wait for him?

I try on several outfits before settling on simple jeans and a thick sweater. It's too warm outside for a jacket, but I'm worried the Den will be chilly. I style my hair, wondering if maybe at some point I could save up enough to get highlights.

I'm watching a smokey eye tutorial, trying to replicate it, when there's a knock on the door.


The door opens and Fiona takes in the small room. She brings up a tablet as she stands by the door.

Her straight, dark hair hangs perfectly around her shoulders and there's a shininess to her appearance that I think comes with money and effort. Almost like she has had every part of herself polished to perfection.

She's a finance major and always looks well put together. She's also the one keeping track of all the bills and who owes what. And I have a feeling that's why she's here. It's the first time she's seen my room since I moved in.

"I need your share of the bills." She swipes a couple of times on the tablet.

"Ok. How much do I owe?" I walk over to my wallet. I know my bank account has about three dollars in it after paying the car insurance. But I should have enough cash.

"The electrical bill was 167, so your part is 41.75. The internet is 74 dollars, which comes out to 18.50. Which equals sixty dollars and twenty-five cents. But I'll take sixty. I'm feeling generous."

I freeze. Then I slowly reach for the cash. I have a grand total of sixty-seven dollars.

"Is there any chance I can pay later?" I just need a couple of shifts to catch up. "Does Monday work? I have a shift tonight."

Fiona shakes her head. "If you can't keep up with the payments, there's no shortage of people who want to live here. We chose you because you promised you would never be late with money and that you are responsible. We could literally go to campus and find three people happy to have this room within five minutes. And if you're not going to contribute your part, then maybe that's what we have to do."

I swallow. "No, it's fine. I have the money. Of course I'll pay." It's almost painful to take the sixty dollars from my wallet and hand them to Fiona.

In my mind, I wave goodbye to the snacks I had hoped to splurge on during the game. I wasn't going to get much, but I've been living off mac'n'cheese and oatmeal for a week. But it's fine. That was a want, not a need.

It's not lost on me that the shopping trip getting groceries is the reason I now can't have snacks. Maybe I shouldn't have spent so much? But I hate not having any food available and I know if I get hungry and buy something in the moment, I end up spending much more.

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