Chapter 14 - Eager to see her

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Fuck, it feels good to be back on skates. Hockey is the main reason I decided to come back here. I couldn't give up my last year of flying across the ice and feeling that rush of adrenaline, followed by the explosion of dopamine as I hit the puck into the goal.

Every year, the team is different. But after playing with Wes and Brick for three years, and living with them, it's strange to not see them when I look around.

But I know Wes is happy in Seattle and Brick is, well, I don't know how happy he can be half a world away from Kat. They got pretty dependent on each other. But after a lot of discussion with coaches and people in the know, he decided a season in Finland was his best shot at getting picked up by a team here, eventually. Besides, whatever kinky stuff he and Kat are into, I'm sure they can do a bunch of it over video chat.

JD is still here though, and still captain. I don't know if it's because he's in a relationship now, or if we're just growing up, but we used to be the fuckboys on the team. Now, I see the newcomers take over that role. As soon as we get a few wins under our belts, I'm sure they're going to be taking full advantage of the puck bunnies.

I almost don't want to leave the rink when practice is over. But as I follow the guys into the locker room, I'm reminded of another aspect of hockey that I love. The camaraderie. The teasing and laughing that goes on off the ice.

I soak it all in as I get showered and dressed.

"We're going to fuck them up. Don't you think so, Ethan?"

"Hm?" I wake up from my thoughts and look over at one of the new guys. He seems nervous, but on the ice he's a monster. No hesitation when it comes to taking chances. I just hope he performs as well when it's an actual game and the arena is full of people.

"On Friday. We're going to kick Rivers' ass, right?"

"I'd hope so," I say. "The River otters suck."

He seems happy with my reply and keeps smack talking Rivers to the others.

"Anyone want to go to Lucky's?" Liam asks and my head flies up. "If you haven't been there yet, you need to get to know the place. It's where we celebrate our wins. And drown our losses."

"I'll come," I say immediately. Lily might be working. And I haven't seen her since Friday. It's already Tuesday.

"Great," Liam says and looks around. He invites more people, but I'm too excited at the prospect of seeing Lily that I barely notice. When we head over, Dustin, Jonathan and JD are also with us. We wait outside for everyone to catch up and find the place. The rest of the guys are chatting and laughing and getting to know each other. I keep glancing at the bar.

The door is beckoning me and I think at one point Liam smirks, as if he knows why I'm there, but I ignore him. When everyone finally arrives, there's a flutter in my stomach. Almost like the one I get before games.

I do my best to not look eager and antsy, as we enter the bar. I scan the crowd, and when I don't see her anywhere, my stomach drops. We find a couple of tables and sit down. Maybe she's in the back?

Another server comes up to us and takes our order. Maybe she's not working today?

I'm not entirely sure what I order, but I try to pay attention to the guys, just glancing around now and then.

And then she appears. She's wearing a new shirt. One that isn't as revealing. I like it. She looks more comfortable as she adjusts her apron and smiles at the woman who took our orders. She helps out with getting the drinks ready, and I hold my breath. When she picks up a tray and comes towards us, I run a hand through my hair and sit up straight.

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