Chapter 13 - Two parties

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It takes a lot to focus on my shift the following day. Ethan is going to wreak havoc on my life. I just know it. Every chance I get, I sneak off to the break room and check my phone in the locker, but there's no message. That's fine, though. It's not like I expect him to text me straight away.

But after he kissed me last night, I'm feeling like I'm walking on eggshells. What if he didn't like it? What if I played it up in my mind and it really wasn't that fantastic?

And why would he text me? Me? When he can have any woman he wants. It still feels surreal that he wanted to go on a date with me.

I finish the shift, grateful that it's an early one, so I have plenty of time to take a bus to one of the cheaper grocery stores, have dinner and spend the rest of the night studying.

When I get back to the apartment, Eve is in the kitchen.

"Oh, you're here." She sounds less than impressed. "I thought you'd be working." The sigh tells me she was counting on it.

"Not tonight." I try to ignore the sting I feel at being so clearly unwanted and start putting away my groceries.

"We're having a party tonight," she says as she's leaving the room. Almost as if it's an afterthought to let me know. Which it probably is. "But you can just stay in your room."

The sting deepens. But it's not like it matters. They're not my friends. And I have no interest in being at their party.

I stare at my groceries for a while. Then I notice some of my popcorn is missing from the cupboard. With a sigh, I grab all of my non-perishables and put them back in the bag.

It feels ridiculous bringing them to my room. But I spent a lot of money on noodles, mac'n'cheese, and oatmeal. Easy, cheap foods that were on sale. It hurt spending that much money in one go on food. But in the long run, it will save me quite a few dollars. And I have some bills coming up soon, so I need to save as much as possible.

While my roommates are getting ready, I hunker down in my room with a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and my study materials.

Soon, the music is blaring outside, and I hear voices as people start arriving. Music never bothered me when I study, something I'm grateful for at the moment.

I'm deep into key value stores when there's a knock at my door. For a moment, I wonder if someone thinks this might be the bathroom. Then I hear Steph's voice.


I get up and open the door.

"What's up?" The music is loud, and I hear laughter from the living room.

"I just wanted to ask if you want to join the party." She's clearly been drinking.

Behind her I see two equally intoxicated women grinding on some happy looking guy. But what plays through my mind is Eve's laughter after she introduced me to Ethan. How she wanted to humiliate me.

So I shake my head. "I'm really far behind with my studies. I need to write a summary of this research paper."

"Ok." She almost looks disappointed. "Well, come on out if you change your mind."

"Sure." I open my mouth to tell her to have fun, but she's already leaving. I close the door. Should I be out there? Maybe I'm being anti-social and weird.

I shake my head and sit back down. Continuing to read the paper and take notes.

My phone buzzes.

My heart skips a beat. It's a text. From Ethan.

Hey, pretty girl. What are you up to tonight?

I bite my lip. For a few heartbeats, I wonder if I should come up with some lie that makes me sound more interesting. Something that doesn't make me out to be the reclusive nerd who has no life.

But that's not me. And I changed so much about myself last year for Connor. I don't ever want to do that again. If he doesn't like me for me, then... Fuck, that would hurt.

I'm trying to study while the roomies are having a party. So far I've learned that Taylor Swift is distracting and techno is the ultimate study music.

I press send before I talk myself out of it. He needs to get to know the real me.

Good to know. Why aren't you at the party?

I'm not really interested. And I have a lot of work to do. What are you up to?

Me, I'm on Rivers territory with Liam.

Isn't that against the rules or something?

Rivers is UNI's number one rival. The schools are close enough that the social lives overlap and any sporting event usually gets some form of friendly game between the two. Rivers win at basketball, UNI at hockey and football is where the true rivalry lies.

Probably, but Liam has his eyes on a Rivers equestrian, so here we are.

That's one of the main areas Rivers spends their money. Horses and riding. Their equestrian program is one of the best in the country.

I see, well, have fun.

I put my phone down, thinking, that's it. But it soon buzzes again.

Do you have to get back to your studies?

Kind of.

Too bad. I like texting you.

Aren't you at a party?

Yes. So? Nobody here is as interesting as you.

My heart is fluttering all over the place. What am I supposed to say to that? My instinct is to play it down and tell him it must be a really dull party. But I'm trying not to do that.

I bite my lip. He's typing again.

Looks like I have to let you get back to your studies. Liam wants to impress the horse woman with a dance we've rehearsed. So I should go and be a good wingman.

I hope your dancing skills will seal the deal.

I'll have someone film it so I can post it. Then you can see it as well.

My breath catches. Does he know I follow him? I stare at the screen. Maybe he figured it out? Fuck, that's embarrassing. Trying to think of a reply, I hesitate for so long, in the end I just put my phone away.

I bring up the notes I've taken on the research paper and read through them. Then I read them again as I didn't catch any of the words the first time. After a third read through, I manage to understand them and start a short intro to my summary.

I finally have to promise myself I can check my phone as soon as the intro is done. With that as an incentive, it only takes me another twenty minutes to write something I'm happy with.

As soon as I'm done, I'm on my phone.

I find his account and immediately spot the video. They're at a party in what looks like a sorority house. There's a lot of people in the background. A lot of women. Whoever is filming the dance is slightly unsteady. The way Ethan moves his body is such a turn on. He must know how hot he is.

At the end of the video, he winks at the camera and my cheeks flush. Was that for me? Probably not.

I watch the video again. This time, I notice the black-haired woman who comes up to Liam afterwards. By the smile on his face, I take it to be the rider.

After one more rewatch, trying to decide if the wink is just him playing to the camera, or if it's meant for me and getting nowhere, I throw my phone on the bed, as far away as possible. I need to get this summary done.

The music outside my room keeps blaring as I smile at my computer. Fuck, it's going to be hard to keep up with everything with Ethan around.

Just Pucking Money [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें