5- Sakshu

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"Are you ignoring me?" He asked with his atmost sincerity.

"Good evening everyone." an announcement was given by one of Anjali's friends.

"This evening on the gracious occasion of mehndi ceremony of our beloved Anjali and Rahul we delightfully welcome you all. We would like all of you to do the countdown with us and commence the following events. It goes like THREE TWO ONE and tadadahhhhh...."

A beautiful video of their journey as a couple was played on the projector and all were in awe.

Thank me later for the idea guys.

I was sure if some stunt like this was played before the previous generation people not only Anjali even they would have planned thousand and one ways to spoil my life.

At the moment all I had was the person who was the love of my life standing next to me and cheering for my sister and her fiance. Cool.

I shouldn't be saying him the love of my life after all that had happened but can't help.

He then turns around and says, "Hi Sakshu" with his beautiful smile on. He looks at me as if I am his princess from his fantasy world.


He called me that after 8 long years. I felt a small pierce in my heart. As if my heart cried out loud in the midnight rain.

I craved to see those eyes.

Such a painful period of time it was. Doesn't he know that was huge time for me to change.

Ofcourse I did change. But the only thing that didn't is my feelings for him.

Why? Why me? Why him? In this whole universe why did he find me and why did I find him?

Now I am going to pretend as if everything is okay and I don't care.

He clears his throat and I jump a little realising he is still waiting for my answer.

"Hi", I say it so bluntly that I didn't recognise my voice.

"So how is life?", he added. He should know that I don't want to talk to him by now.

Atleast he should have some respect for his girlfriend. She is with him know.

"Better" only after you left. I did want to add that. But couldn't. Where did all that ass aching practice to hurt him go?

"Heyy, can I get your number?", He asked so meekly. He would do that when he needs my help doing his diagrams. He always hated drawing.

"Do you still hate drawing?" I blabber out my thoughts.

I know I know he was taken aback. He smiles and nods. Good for him.

Why am I thinking about him. Now what was the need to say that. Don't let him misunderstand Sakshi. I scold myself in my mind obviously.

To avoid further embarrassment I walk away. I can still feel his stare stuck on me.

I go stand with the other bridesmaids and ask them if I have any work.

I noticed the mehndi already started but the music hadn't.

Anjali's hands were being filled and Rahul was sitting next to her.

I go to the person who was standing with a frown on his face and knot between his eyebrows. Probably something's gone wrong.

Apparently I recognised he was one among the friends of Rahul who he previously introduced.

"What happened, Siddharth?" I asked with some concern.

If my parents hadn't choosen Data science for me I would have become an actress just to beat Alia Bhatt.

"You remember me?" he asked with shock evident not surprise. Exactly opposite to what I expected.

"Yes! Why? I shouldn't have remembered is it?"

"No nothing like that. The thing is no one really ever remembered me in my life." His eyes became teary.

Ohh what did I do? I made him cry.

"Okay, but don't worry Siddharth I'll never forget your name." I try to console.

Yet he doesn't seem to stop. This guy is keep on going.

"That's the reason they all left me hear to hell with this machine and went to party. No one really cares. It all drama. Fake people." He pours out his pain as I hit realisation. He isn't normal.

He is drunk!

Back out Sakshi.

My heart raced when I saw Arjun next to me. So close. It took a lot of efforts to resist myself from holding his hand. That was our thing back then.

Now it's all cringe. Whatever.

"Who is fake?" he narrowed his eyes at Siddharth and all I could do was walk away. Again. Just like he did years ago. He was trying to help Siddharth with the music while,

" Sakshii" someone called out.

I turned back.

What? I am dreaming? I wish not!

That's it for the day. Thank you for giving this book a try. I am so grateful.☺️

Please vote if your find my efforts worth your time. But not pressuring though. Have fun!😌

And this book will for sure have some South Indian essence.

We have seen a lot of novels based on in North India so I just wanted mine to be a little different.😁

Thank you guys. Have a nice day you all.

Until next update, Goodbye and take care. Lots of love and positive energy.💖

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