The oracle words.

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Staring at his hand, the guy is surprised and angry at the fact that he was tricked so easily by his prey at that.

The seal that Aion places on his hand left a tattoo that disappeared right after leaving a slight burnt mark and the smell of roasted flesh.

"You bastard! What did you do to me!? You stupid bastard!" He asked while scratching his hand hoping to get the mark out of his hand but to no avail.

"I just secured a life insurance, and with that I'm able to go all out!" Aion cracks his neck and back, stretching his arms to the sides.

"(Scoffs)... So you, really think you can beat me or even cause any real harm to me! Pathetic!" The guy leaves his hand alone and focuses on holding his two really explosive rods.

Aion looks around at the crowd from the corner of his eyes, then he said to the guy in a whisper. "It's not about beating you, no no no, but about coming out beaten by you... After all everyone already saw the damage you could do to me with just one hit from those rods." Aion smiles brightly and runs towards the guy with a prepared fist.

The guy as well prepares his rod and takes a stance with his face looking as dangerous as it could be. Aion reaches him and throws his fist, but the guy only needed to move his head to the side for the punch to go smooth sailing, then he with his rod strikes Aion abdomen at great speed and force.

'Just as planned, it's easy when they're predictable.' As he continues his thought, he makes his preprepared action.

He had sealed a wisp of his flame that he crystalized inside a shadow capsule, and held it on his chest, but now he moves it down to his abdomen, perfectly placing it before the rod and they successfully make impact.

To everyone else it was Aion's stomach that got hit and even the guy thought so, and as the rod made his explosive sound a bright light burst out from it, the sound was like the shattering of reality, and a blank white void occupied the area.

After few seconds the white receded, and everyone was eager to see the outcome of the great clash, but there was no outcome as both combatants were deep inside a different space and they won't be coming out anytime soon, but what no one knew was that amidst the chaos caused by the bright white light, a black shadow expanded and swallowed both Aion and the guy sending them deep into the world of the shadows.

"Damn! That fight was short but real dangerous, but where'd they go?" Grad asked as he stretches his neck to maybe get a better view to be able to see them.

"It's all my fault, if he had fought only the first guy and taken his rank, then he wouldn't have to go through all this!" Meriel looked down with a frown, it was evident on her face that she was displeased and disappointed in herself.

Glyscyra places a hand on her shoulder and rubs it to console her, "even if he didn't fight here and now, he would have had to fight later on, and that one would be dangerous than this because the guy might make it a sneaky assassination."

"What do you mean?" Meriel asks with a stumped expression.

"(Sigh) Out of everyone here, there are many that have dedicated their lives to kill him, but it's just a matter of recognition and strength, and the third ranker was able to not only recognize Aion to be who they are looking for but to also have the strength and equipment to back it up!" After Glyscyra learnt if who Aion truly was, she could already make guesses on the reason why the third ranker was so hellbent on killing Aion that he would rather sacrifice his slot into the gods field and be disqualified.

"So you are saying Aion has a group of people sworn to hunt him down. Now that's something I would have never thought of. Wait how did you know this Daizy, Glyscyra whichever one it is?" Rill says while scratching his head.

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