Buying a house

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Tang Zhan cracked his neck as he looked at the place the soldiers had just left now.

"X was locked in a simulation for her whole life, trained to be silent and unnoticed throughout her eighteen years of being alive, so I knew that even though the captain was far stronger than us, since he hasn't broken through the next realm he is still not strong enough to be good in everything. So I told X to light a fire, he didn't know when she left no one did, not even me but she lit the fire and with that my shadow was able to be reversed..." Tang Zhan looked at the flame beside a rock and kicked dust to it, quenching the fire.

Immediately he quenches the fire, his shadow was switched to the other side. Seeing this everyone looked at their shadow and saw that it was in the same position as Tang Zhan's.

"Because of the sunlight, everyone shadow was facing this side..." He said pointing to the current direction of their shadows which was the opposite of the sun current position.

"But my only power I could use there was my shadow but I couldn't just switch up like that he would know I wanted to do something, so X lighting the fire switched my shadow and it connected to the captains shadow and with that I was able to take control of his body and start tweaking somethings inside little by little. To him he would be puking blood by now and saying that kid is a monster, because it will only feel like I stared back at him with killing intent and his eyes became blurry and his body now injured." Explaining his actions Tang Zhan raised his hands and bowed.

"Aren't I just too smart." Mrs Tang banged on his head while he was still bowing.

"What stupid smart, were you smart enough to do it on your own. If I catch you boasting again, I'll make sure I spread you outside."

Banjo and Yufei laughed as Mr Tang went to pull his wife from Tang Zhan. X just stayed in one corner thinking about her conversation with Tang Zhan during the planning stuff.

Tang Zhan notices this as he frowns a bit before quickly smiling again, "let's get going already."


After a thirty minutes walk, they successfully enter the main city itself, houses could only be found in so called living areas, and shops were placed in business area. Then there were also some buildings placed in better living areas, they were either for those with high reputation with the city or those that were excessively rich.

They had also seem the slums from the top of the city, and it isn't an ideal place to live. Yufei, Banjo and Mrs Tang had already agreed on living in the commoners area for at least a week with the money they already had and they would work during that week to get enough to rent it for a year or to buy it permanently, but Tang Zhan had explained to them the issue of money and how there was actually a currency system here starting from as low as copper coins, then to bronze and then silver, finally ending with gold.

So if they were all to work day through night for the week they would at best be making few hundred bronze.

Mr Tang also contributed saying he would go find some government agencies to join and show them his ability to take care of a country or in their situation a city, and they would see his potential and pay him good, but even he was put off by Tang Zhan with the explanation that he was proficient in governing a natural city not a supernatural one, and how this world was a dog eat dog world, his strength will also cause his death as those other governing won't want to be ruled over by a weaker person, thy only submitted to power. Which is why this city already has it's own count, as it is governed by a singular person like every other city, because this is a medieval world and there was nothing like joint governing.

Still after many plans set and put off by Tang Zhan, they were still led to an administrative building for the titled reputable people. Where houses and lands are sold and not rented.

Entering through the glass door of the building that reminded everyone of the sliding and revolving doors. Tang Zhan entered the building as they are in the reception area.

The reception is nicely built and artistically designed, with marbles and different gemstones, to the right are marble tables and benches. While the flooring from the entrance to the receptionist desk is filled with gemstone that illuminates a beautiful hue of colors.

The reception could pass for a six star hotel's reception except from the only lacking fact being that there is no ac. The inside was just regular room temperature with fresh air produced from the plants placed in flower pots all around in different corners and on tables.

Mr and Mrs Tang felt pressured as they saw two men in formal dressing standing beside the entrance, and another two by the receptionist desk.

Tang Zhan boldly walked to the desk while Banjo and Yufei exhaustingly sat down on one of the marble benches. X stood beside Mrs Tang as they both waited while Mr Tang followed Tang Zhan to the receptionist desk.

"Hello sir, how may we help you?" One of the seven female receptionist on the desk asked as she came forth to attend to Tang Zhan. Her others had already seen the family as they entered and they already discussed amongst themselves as they were sure the family came to window shop of that was even possible, and none of them were ready to waste their answering a pile of prepared questions the family might have possibly prepared, but the receptionist that answered just chose to do so out of the good in her heart.

Tang Zhan looked at the symbols above their heads which was a symbol of a dagger pointing downwards, and he could see their affection towards him were in the negative as one of their daggers was halfway filled with blue instead of red, except for the one that was currently attending to him.

Looking above her head, Tang Zhan saw her symbol was the same as Banjo's, it was the outline of a handshake, and it was about five percent filled.

'Where seems like there are also good people in this world as it was on earth.'

"Well I need to buy a house. If there is any available." He said formally and eloquently with his accent and corresponding diction.

"Well young... Sir." She said changing her choice of words before she mistakenly irritates the customer.

"I hope you know the houses are quite expensive since the prices of the lands will be sold off together along with the house?"

"Yes I know and understand the criteria for buying a house. So do you just sell them or do you grade them according to the lands they are built and the living area they are?"

"Actually you are correct, all houses are sold but their prices differ based on the living areas they are in, there are crowded but orderly living area, there are few and spacious living areas, and there are singular living areas." The receptionist replied as she brought out a catalogue and showed them to Tang Zhan page by page, house by house.

Tang Zhan skimmed through it before he finally settles on one. The house is located in one of those fewer and spacious living areas, and apart from that it is located at the far end of the areas stands alone at the crest of a hill while the rest of the houses in the area are built on the lower floor around the hill.

"Sir this although is a house in a second grade living area but it's price matches and even exceeds some of the houses on the lone lands, because like I said earlier about when you're buying a house. You're not just buying the house but also the land it is on, and the hill is counted as the land for the house... The entire hill!" The receptionist voiced her shock and concern, but Tang Zhan just smiled and shook his head.

"That's why I chose it, as long as I buy it I will be privileged to fence the hill right, and do any other thing I see fit, right?"

"Y-yes... D-do you plan on actual buying it?" The receptionist said again, clarifying as to whether she had heard well and wasn't hallucinating.

"Yes I am buying it, how much will that be then?"

"The Crystalcreek Estate, house 0 on the hill... That would be a sum of, two thousand gold coins." The receptionist no matter what had braced her heart, considering how Tang Zhan remained calm through the questioning and selection, including how he remained straightforward it showed he truly was going to buy the house.

She looked at her coworkers from the side as she stick her tongue out at them, mentally saying 'i win this one'. Whereas her coworkers still didn't believe they were Tang Zhan wouldn't buy and this would probably be the time they would find a way to leave the building without making it seem like he wanted to leave.


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