Starting the Race

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Tang Zhan, and the group didn't waste another second after they finished packing, because as Tang Zhan had told them, it wasn't humans alone that were included in the race, but along with every other creature on the planet including the zombies, as they would try to intercept or stop them from getting to the save zone.

Lucky enough, after Tang Zhan took control of the dealer's wares, and sold it to the multiworld market, he found an item of importance, a privilege that allows him to remove one restriction a mission might have placed on him.

Its cost was brazenly in 500,000 killer points and, but the gains from the sales of all the wares on the multiworld market was more than ten million killer points, so he could afford to use a few.

As for what he had used the privilege to redeem, was his use of his scythe, not like he he Gould remove any other restriction in the first place since the only restriction he had was his use of his scythe.

This was his response to the race they were currently partakers of, he was confident enough with his scythe at hand, and with this they left the Tang mansion, hoping their parents wouldn't go back there in search of them.

"We leave the city through open areas, no passing through cramped spaces or undergrounds, it would be too much of a hassle to get out unscathed." Tang Zhan said as he looked ahead as alert as he could be, but he was perfectly calm on the outside.

Seeing this the rest as well didn't panic or fear as they knew they had someone strong with them especially after seeing his calm demeanor.

X could only look blankly at his broad shoulders, her mind didn't even bother bringing up any thoughts, as her heart was conflicted over the incident with Tang Zhan.

Tang Zhan obviously noticed her staring at him but he couldn't find the courage to turn to look at her.

Suddenly, clapping was heard from a building ahead. They all looked at the direction of the sound, but they were surprised when someone barged through a shut window.

The body slammed hard against the ground with glass shards bouncing off the person's body.

Banjo looked on dumbfounded, 'why would you just jump off and then kill yourself ' he thought, but the broken body on the ground stood up unharmed, no bleeding even though there were glass embedded all over the body and bones were sticking out from places.

Tang Zhan didn't waste time or speech, his scythe materialized from his hand and he dashed towards the unknown person.

"Huh!" The person cocked his head sideways, "you should have ran, I wouldn't have caught you... Well until you exhausted yourself, but that chance is now gone... hehehe."

The guy also ran forward to clash with Tang Zhan, they met themselves midway. The guy struck first, wiping his hand sideways at Tang Zhan's face like he was throwing a hook.


Sparks flew off as Tang Zhan parried the the guy's hand with his scythe, or more specifically, the guy's claws.

The others didn't notice it before because the guy was well dressed but Tang Zhan did. Ever since the guy started clapping, he noticed he had rotten skin on his hand, and when the guy jumped down, his eyes didn't reflect any light.

Coupled with how the zombies were evolving speedily, he could almost say there was a whole race of them and they were simply testing the waters by throwing in disposable pawns.

'Since it's just disposable pawns, then they wouldn't be angry at me taking them for my use, right?' Tang Zhan gives an evil smirk, but the zombies was unaware of it an continues with a different hand.

Tang Zhan jumps leaps over the zombie totally and lands behind it, with a swipe of his hand, a head lands on the ground with a thud.

The body fell as well but it just fall into a shadow stretching over from Tang Zhan's shadow.

[You have killed a 6% zombie, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

[Exp multiplier: 0.06]

'Absorb' with a thought, the zombie disappears into the shadow, but this one was quite different from the previous two. Tang Zhan didn't Absorb the previous two but he used Subdue on them.

[Energy: 16,737/16,814]

Subdue, was to make them his shadow slaves, whereas Absorb, is to turn them into energy points for himself.

Something he got to know recently from his shadow ability. As his current condition says, he is going through an awakening of some sorts, and this releases some information about his abilities that he didn't know before.

The trio saw the efficiency and speed at which Tang Zhan used to clear a zombie they could only guess was 6% or above, considering it's ability to speak and it's intelligence.

"If we keep dilly-dallying like this, we would have to face much worse than this." He moves immediately, with his senses on the high alert.

The trio just follow behind him, they have tried to remain as silent as possible, because they could feel that Tang Zhan had been in a bad mood ever since the incident with X.

So they remained mute and followed his orders, without as much as a groan of discomfort.


Thirty minutes into the journey, and they met their first life threatening event. They had tried to break into a school to take a short route through rather than going around, but as they opened the gates, it simply collapsed and all eyes were on them.

"Shit! Run!" Tang Zhan used his shadow to create a pair of hands to lift the gate back in place, to at least hold back the zombies till they reach a considerable distance.

Run they did, but as they rounded a corner, another batch of zombies were discussing there and they noticed them as well.

"We just might be fucked!" Yufei said as she prepared to run back, but the way out suddenly got blocked by a wall of shadow.

As well as the other side where the zombies were coming from. "Brother, locking us in here is extremely dangerous, we'll be attacked from both sides" Yufei refuted, but Tang Zhan smiles.

"Don't you even trust your brother at all, come on get on." As he says get on, shadow pours out from his shadow and starts constructing something, and within seconds an escalator is rising straight to the roof of the first building.




All three of them thought at the same time, as they climbed the escalator that start taking them up, until they get to the roof, then all the shadows disappear altogether, making the zombies dumbfounded.

"How did they disappear?"

"Where did they go?"

"How couldn't we have noticed them escaping?"

Questions rang out but the group were far away by then.


Night swiftly approached, the group are extremely exhausted. They cant breathe well as they are all panting and heaving.

Before then is a forest, the trees are closely knit together with little to no space in-between.

"What are we doing here?" X was the one who asked this time.

Tang Zhan glaced at her from the side of his eyes before he then answers, "Through this forest and we'll be in a highway that leads directly to a hanger. From there we can get a plane or copter or anything available that can contain us all."

He said and then walks into the forest before he then climbs upwards to the top. "Catch some sleep." Tang Zhan says, but upon seeing that nobody moves, he added, "it's actually good for your body, mind and heart."

The rest couldn't do anything other than to comply, as they all climbed to a high place with great safety from any zombie.


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