4- Intrusive Thoughts

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Settling into a booth, the atmosphere in the club is pulsing with energy. I haven't had time to come in the last few weeks due to the internal investigation underway. The production deadline of our upcoming ads for several clients is quickly approaching and we have already had to start from scratch on the sketches that were stolen.

The surprising silver lining to the stress this whole ordeal is causing, is having the opportunity to work alongside the ever optimistic Katerina. A part of me wondered if her cheery disposition would be too much to be around but I find myself looking forward to working with her and learning something new about her each day.

I've learned she doesn't like silence. If she's not talking, she's quietly singing or humming along while listening to music on her phone as she works. Though, I'm not fond of how often her phone goes off, vibrating with each call or notification she gets. On more than one occasion I've walked in on her answering a call saying something ridiculous. The most recent being,"Thank you for calling Tony's Pizza, how may I take your order?"

The first time it happened, she smiled sheepishly, saying it was a spam caller; she seems to get those a lot.

I sit back when a waitress smiles, approaching me. The sway of her hips becomes more exaggerated, and leans slightly forward shifting the opening of her shirt which is already exposing enough of her ample cleavage.

"What can I get you, handsome?"

"Bourbon straight."

"You got it." She winks, sashaying her way to the bar. Adam brushes past her and swivels his head, watching her briefly. He turns back to me with a grin.

"I see you are already starting the fun without me."

"No manches. I'm not here for fun, I just wanted to unwind from all the hell going on at work." I tell him, even though my eyes sweep over the stage and then the room. (No way)

Pollyanna and I have continued texting but there's an obvious shift in our dynamic. The flirtiness betweens us seems to have fizzled, not completely, but it just feels different. I didn't tell her I was coming tonight and I'm curious what her reaction will be like, but she may not even be here.

"Alright, what's her name?"


"Whoever you're looking for," Adams says, raising his eyebrow and leans back, resting his arm on the back of the booth. The waitress reappears with my drink and then she takes his order. Not surprised, she's focusing her flirting on him now.

He wiggles his eyebrows after she leaves. "You're losing your touch. Usually, the girls can't take their eyes off you to even notice I'm next to you."

"Don't be so dramatic."

The DJ's voice booms through the speakers. "Alright, folks. Put your hands together for Savannah, Cherry and Pollyanna!" Applause, cheers and whistles erupt all around us and I find myself clapping.

Adam's eyes narrow observing me and he leans forward. "Is the investigation really that bad that you came here on a Wednesday?"

But my attention is on the stage. Pollyanna stands between the other two women, who are dressed in black bikinis with neon tassels hanging from their bras and panties, wearing stiletto high heeled boots. Pollyanna is donning her signature mask and tonight her wig is neon blue, but the outfit is the most daring ensemble she's worn.

A black bodysuit, cutout on the sides and center revealing the curves of her torso and stomach. Her thigh-high boots standout, glowing white under all the strobe lights. The song is slow as they free-style, dancing sensually, but then the electro-mix mashup picks up tempo and their movements match the beat and the room erupts with enthusiasm. People begin dancing near the stage joining them.

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