"When you decided to do something, do it whole souled."  - Kate. 


That morning, I didn't have any dreams of Julia. So, I went for a run. I had to familiarize myself with this place, map out any exit routes or routes that would lead to dead ends and possibly get us killed. 

The air was crisp as it filled my lungs. I don't remember being this fit in a long time, but I had to make it a habit. I needed to stay in top so as to help myself. Last night I had written a letter to Betty. I didn't want them to worry, so I left out the mistreatment. However, whether they knew about it or not, it wouldn't really make a difference. Maybe mom would worry every night and cry herself to sleep, but what good would it do. I was too far away and the system that we lived under wouldn't bat an eye towards a mother crying over her daughter being mistreated by some royal family, let alone The Axis. With each step, my plan became clearer. I was going to find out how and why Julia died. Her death was still a real mystery to me, however I'm sure that in that big library there must be some sort of history that they kept about the time just before The Axis got into power, or before the meteor hit earth. 

I turn to on a steady slope and slowly make my way up. This slope was like a reflection of my life. I had started at the bottom and hopefully one day I would be standing at the very top. 

I slowly dragged my near-to-give up body on the final stretch and stood in awe. It was just past five and just before six, so the sun was still rising. I watched as my breaths came in steady rhythms, my heartbeat echoing the cadence of my steps. The world around me was cloaked in the quiet stillness of dawn, the air crisp and cool against my skin, carrying with it the promise of a new day.

As I turned to face the horizon, a sense of anticipation stirred within me, like a silent symphony building to its crescendo. And then, in a blaze of golden hues, the first light of dawn broke free from the horizon, painting the sky in a palette of fiery oranges and soft pinks.

The world below was bathed in a gentle glow, casting long shadows across the landscape as it slowly emerged from the darkness of night. The hills rolled out before me like waves upon the ocean, their verdant slopes awash in the warm embrace of the rising sun. Today was going to be a good day.

Turning to leave I am stopped by a shadow and voices approaching the heel. I take cover being a bush and wait patiently. Soon the voices become more audible. 

"I don't trust the new bodyguard. She seems like she has an alternative agenda." 

"I don't know, she has a great eye and her skills are quite impressive. I am sure she could beat you to a pulp if you messed with her." 

"Shut up."

"I'm just saying bro, women are not that charming when they are angry." 

"We will soon find out why mum and dad bought her here." 

"Gosh, its cold up here, can we go now?" 

Soon the footsteps were receding. I waited until they were completely gone or unheard before I came out of my hiding place. 

I quickly ran home, making sure not to run into any other suspecting people. I locked the door and took a shower before sitting on my bed, hair dripping and a towel around my body. My brain which should have been rushing was surprisingly calm. I didn't know what to make of their conversation. However that was the least of my concern. I stood up and changed into some pants and a top. I put on my boot and was about to leave when I dropped the bag of money given by Jakes and the coins rolled on the floor and under the bed. Picking each one up I slowly returned it in the bag before getting on all fours to retrieve the one from under the bed. I bent down my yes trying to adjust to the darkness. Feeling around, I felt a piece of paper brush against my finger. I tried to close my hand around it but it wasn't moving. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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