"The smokes in the mirrors, the lies in your eyes." - Damon. 


I looked up to at the man who was clapping and then around to the crowd that was gathering. Who were all these spectators? I wonder. 

"You can get of Thomas now, I think you sufficiently hurt and bruised his ego along with his back." The clapping man commanded. 

I got on my feet and heard the man groan before rolling to his side and slowly getting up. With one last glance he looked at me before walking towards one of the man doors. 

"Welcome to the Palace. I am King Arthur, and you have just passed your entrance test." He said. " Now the only reason I welcomed you is because you passed, so don't take this as a sign of my good favor or approval for you." 

I nodded my head in understanding. What was I seriously expecting? 

"Lets head in so that you can meet my son and the Queen." He said. 

We walked with a phalanx of guards right behind us. As we entered into the palace, my eyes were as big as saucepans. The interior was completely breathe taking. A mixture of ancient architecture bought the place to life. I was immediately enveloped in a tapestry of time, where ancient art from the Renaissance era meets modern sophistication. The air was filled with a sense of history, each corner of the palace echoing with the whispers of lives once lived.

I couldn't help but quickly glimpse at the art hanging on the walls. The walls, adorned with masterpieces from centuries past, were like windows into another world. Each painting tells a story, capturing moments of triumph, love, and loss. The artistry on display is a testament to the richness of the palace's heritage. My mind was buzzing. Everything in this palace felt unreal. 

 I look down to my feet, the marble floor gleaming with a polished sheen, reflecting the soft glow of the chandeliers that hang overhead. I could only imagine how hard the cleaners worked here.  Every step we took reverberates with a sense of grandeur, as if you're treading upon the footsteps of kings and queens who once graced these halls. It was hard to imagine how so much beauty came from those whose hearts were as cold as ice. 

As we got deeper into the palace the windows revealed a lush green forest. The scenery outside was a stark contrast to the opulence within, yet somehow, the two worlds seamlessly blend together, creating a sense of harmony and balance. Was this even possible? Was I just enchanted by world I had never step foot in? It was truly impossible to describe. It was if everywhere you turn, there's a sense of timelessness, as if the past and present coexist in perfect harmony. In this palace, history came alive in every brushstroke, every marble column, and every breathtaking view. It's a place where the past meets the present, and where the beauty of the ages is preserved for generations to come.

We finally stopped at a door after walking for what seemed like forever. I was so distracted by everything around me that I hadn't noticed that the phalanx of guards had significantly reduced. 

"Before we go in, I want you to remember that whatever happens in this room is for your eyes only. If you even dare to whisper it to a single soul, we will feed you to the dogs outside. Do I make myself clear?" King Arthur asked. 

I nodded. 


Soon he was pushing the heavy doors open. We were motioned to walk in. Now this part of the house was not as breathe-taking as the whole palace had been, but it was somewhat impressive. 

"Hello my queen." King Arthur said reaching out and embracing a petite looking woman. Her eyes were as dark as gemstone and narrow, so it looked like she was sizing one up with one look. 

Parallel Lines.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon