[Battle for the Soul]

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Loki's POV:

               The clones surged forward with deadly precision, each one bearing down on the Avengers with relentless determination. It was a sight to behold, as Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Thor, and Tony each found themselves facing off against multiple of Liz's clones.

               Natasha moved with graceful agility, her movements fluid and calculated as she danced around her clones, her batons striking with precision as she aimed for non-vital areas, aiming to disable rather than harm. She focused on immobilizing her opponents, using her expertise in hand-to-hand combat to subdue them without inflicting serious injury.

               Clint, on the other hand, maintained a strategic distance from his clones, using his bow and arrows to keep them at bay. With each well-aimed shot, he targeted their weapons or limbs, aiming to disarm or incapacitate them without causing lasting harm. His keen marksmanship and quick reflexes allowed him to neutralize his adversaries with surgical precision, all while avoiding any fatal blows.

               Bruce, in his Hulk form, grappled with the dilemma of facing clones that shared the same physical form as Liz. His immense strength could easily crush them, but he exercised restraint, opting instead to immobilize them with powerful grapples and holds. He focused on subduing the clones without causing permanent damage, mindful of the delicate balance between protecting Liz and neutralizing the threat.

               Steve, with his shield as his primary weapon, used a combination of defensive maneuvers and well-timed strikes to fend off his clones. He aimed to incapacitate rather than harm, deflecting their attacks with his shield and delivering non-lethal blows to disable them. His unwavering resolve and tactical prowess allowed him to hold his own against multiple adversaries, all while minimizing the risk of causing harm to Liz.

               Thor, with Mjolnir in hand, unleashed controlled bursts of lightning to disorient and incapacitate his clones. He focused on stunning rather than striking, using his godly powers to subdue them without inflicting lasting harm. His mastery over lightning allowed him to incapacitate multiple opponents simultaneously.

               And then there was Tony, encased in his Iron Man suit, his arsenal of high-tech weaponry at the ready. He utilized non-lethal repulsor blasts and energy discharges to incapacitate his clones, focusing on immobilizing them rather than outright destroying them. His advanced suit allowed him to engage multiple adversaries at once, providing cover fire and support to his teammates as they fought against overwhelming odds.

               With a flick of my wrist, I summoned the power of my magic, weaving intricate illusions that ensnared my clones, holding them aloft in mid-air and rendering them powerless to resist. "Keep them away from me!" I shouted over the din of battle, my voice cutting through the chaos as I pushed forward, determined to reach Liz no matter the cost. The Avengers rallied to my side, fending off the clones as I pressed onward, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

               As I drew closer to Liz, the intensity of her gaze bore into me, her eyes reflecting a turmoil of emotions that seemed to flicker like flames. "Liz, it's me," I called out urgently, my voice soft yet tinged with urgency as I reached out a hand towards her. "Don't let him control you."

               But Liz's response was swift and brutal, her katana slashing through the air with deadly precision as she launched herself at me, her movements fueled by a rage that seemed to consume her from within. I dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding her strikes as I continued to plead with her. My heart ached at the sight of the girl I had come to care for so deeply, now twisted by Aldrich's dark influence, fearing that I may have lost her forever.

               As the battle raged on around us, with each passing moment bringing us closer to the brink of disaster, I realized there was only one option left to me. With a heavy heart and a deep sense of trepidation, I knew what I had to do.

               Summoning the full extent of my magical prowess, I focused on Liz, channeling the power within me with a precision born of desperation. The air crackled with electricity as tendrils of magic coiled around her, their ethereal glow casting eerie shadows in the dim light. With each passing second, her energy drained away, causing her to stumble and falter, her attacks growing weaker by the moment. The clones around us began to flicker and fade, their once formidable presence dwindling as the life force sustaining them was siphoned away.

               Liz fell to the ground, her screams echoing through the room as my magic began to usurp her. Time was running out; I had to reach her before it was too late.

               "You're hurting her!" Tony's voice cut through the chaos, a desperate plea for mercy as the others rushed to intervene.

               "No!" I shouted back, holding them at bay with a raised hand. "This is the only way! Let me do this!" With determination burning in my eyes, I ran to Liz's side, kneeling beside her as she crouched on the cold concrete floor, her hands clutching her head in agony.

               I lift her gently off the ground where we're both sitting on out knees. I put my arms around her and hold her, caressing her hair, trying to calm her. 

               Gently lifting her into my arms, I held her close, whispering soothing words of comfort as I stroked her hair. "Shhh, it's okay," I murmured softly, my heart breaking at the sound of her sobs. "You have to fight this, Liz. You're stronger than he is."

               "Remember the lilacs?" I urged, trying to reignite memories of happier times. "You got me to smell them, and I made it sound like I didn't like them. And then you said I was just too stubborn to admit it." I smile as the memories flooded my mind, fragments of our shared past intertwining with the present turmoil. 

               "Well, you were right," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper as I pressed my forehead against hers, our breath mingling in the still air. "I loved them."

Broken - (Loki x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ