[The Tower's Threshold]

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               My mouth fell open. "You're joking...the Tony Stark? Iron Man, Tony Stark?" I was completely dumbfounded. My "friends" and I always joked that I was secretly his daughter, but only because we had the same last name. I mean, I guess you could say we kinda looked alike, but I always thought that it was just a coincidence.

               "I knew you would never believe it, so that's why I never told you," my mother implied.

               "I'm just shocked is all. I wish you would have told me sooner," I noted. I could have grown up with Tony Stark. I could have lived in a multi million dollar house. I could be an Avenger right now. I could be happy.

               "Well, now you know," my mother started. "Hey maybe you'll actually be useful over there, especially with your powers."

               All my life, I've possessed a peculiar ability—I can replicate myself, creating clones. The potential of this power has always intrigued me, yet mastering it has proven elusive. My clones, when summoned, often stumble aimlessly, reflecting my own lack of control. But in my youth, they manifested unpredictably, a source of fear and isolation. My mother, fearing discovery, kept me hidden away, shielding me from a world that might misunderstand or exploit me.

               But now, armed with the truth of my lineage, I feel a newfound sense of purpose. Tony Stark, my father, a man of extraordinary abilities himself, might hold the key to unlocking my potential.

               My mother furnished me with all the information I needed to locate my father. Alongside directions to Stark Tower, she provided documentation confirming my lineage, a tangible link to a world I'd only dreamed of. I dressed meticulously, eager to make a favorable impression—my attire a blend of comfort and confidence.

               With suitcase in hand, I set out, the weight of anticipation mingling with nerves. A taxi ferried me through bustling streets, each block bringing me closer to my destiny.

               As Stark Tower loomed before me, my heartbeat quickened. Would I gain entry? Could I convince Tony Stark of our connection? Questions swirled, threatening to overwhelm me. I sought solace in the rhythm of passing scenery, a futile attempt to quell rising anxiety.

               Arriving at my destination, I paid the driver and alighted, suitcase in tow. Stark Tower towered above me, a monument to innovation and power—a fitting backdrop for my reckoning.

               Drawing a steadying breath, I approached the imposing entrance, my gaze fixed on the unyielding doors. A voice, robotic and impersonal, echoed from the intercom, disrupting my thoughts.

               "Hello, how may I help you?"

               "Uh, hello? Is Tony Stark inside?" Uncertainty tinged my voice, uncertainty that echoed within me.

               "Yes. May I ask what are your intentions for being here?"

               "I just need to talk to Tony about something important. Can you tell him that I'm...someone of interest?" My words faltered, a feeble attempt to mask the magnitude of my revelation.

               "Certainly. Just a moment, please."

               As the doors parted, I stepped into the opulent lobby, marveling at its grandeur. An Iron Man suit, poised and imposing, beckoned me forward—an unexpected guide on my journey.

               Stark Tower enveloped me in its embrace, its corridors a labyrinth of possibility. With each step, I drew closer to the truth I sought, my resolve bolstered by newfound purpose.

               At last, I stood before a closed door, anticipation coursing through me. With trembling hands, I smoothed my attire, steeling myself for the encounter ahead. The weight of my decision pressed upon me, urging me onward.

               "It's now or never," I murmured, clutching the DNA test documents to my chest. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door, stepping into the unknown.

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