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               As I returned to my room, the weight of the day's emotional turmoil hung heavy around me, dragging my spirits down like an anchor in a stormy sea. Hastily, I rid myself of the facade I wore to the party, scrubbing away the layers of makeup that hid the rawness of my emotions. Clad in comfortable pajamas, I sank onto my bed, clutching a pillow as if it were my sole refuge in the tumultuous sea of my thoughts.

               A soft knock at my door pierced through the silence, interrupting my solitude. "Go away," I mumbled through tear-stained cheeks, wishing to be left alone.

               "It's just me, Little Stark," Loki's voice broke through the barrier of my grief.

               "I said go away!" I snapped, my tone sharp with anguish. Loki is literally one of the last people I want to talk to.

               Ignoring my plea, Loki entered, his presence unwelcome in my fragile state. I avoided meeting his gaze, curling further into myself in a desperate bid for isolation.

               "May I sit?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern. I remained silent, unwilling to grant him permission to intrude upon my shattered sanctuary.

               "You're giving me the silent treatment now?" Loki's voice held a note of reproach as he settled onto the edge of my bed, despite my unspoken protest.

               He took a deep breath, his words heavy with remorse. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," he confessed, acknowledging the pain that had been laid bare in the heated exchange with my father.

               "You heard?" I responded, my voice devoid of emotion.

               "Yes, I heard it all. It was hard not to. I didn't know you've gone through all of that," Loki admitted, his usually guarded demeanor softened by empathy.

               Uncertain whether his intentions were genuine or merely another ploy, I responded curtly, "Okay...is that all?" My words held a tinge of bitterness, a reflection of my wounded pride.

               Loki's expression betrayed a flicker of hurt, but he persisted, undeterred by my coldness. "I'm just trying to be nice to you for once," he confessed, his vulnerability piercing through the facade of indifference I had made.

               Realizing the extent of his sincerity, I relented, swallowing my pride as I confessed, "I don't need your pity." His gaze dropped, a shadow of defeat crossing his features. 

               "I'm sorry. I'm just broken," I mumbled. "I've been broken for so long, I don't think there's any chance of me healing."

               He paused, his gaze softening with empathy as he met my eyes. "You know, even now, as broken as you may feel, you are still so strong," he offered, his words a gentle reassurance amidst the turmoil of my emotions. "Don't stop. This is your healing. You can't give up now."

               His unexpected words struck a chord within me, stirring a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of my despair. "Thank you," I whispered, a hint of gratitude softening my tone.

               A small smile graced Loki's lips, a rare sight that warmed the depths of my heart. It was the first time I had seen him smile like that, and I couldn't help but wish to see it more often. "You know, just because I'm mean to you sometimes, doesn't mean I don't care," he admitted, his vulnerability shining through the facade of aloofness.

               "Sometimes? You're mean all the time," I teased, a hint of amusement coloring my words. A genuine laugh escaped my lips as our banter lightened the heavy atmosphere.

               "Hey, you're lucky I even admitted it," Loki retorted, a playful glint in his eyes.

               As laughter filled the air, a sense of camaraderie blossomed between us, transcending the boundaries of our roles as trainer and trainee. It felt liberating seeing this side of him, the side of him that he's been so resistant showing.

               "I also want to apologize about earlier," Loki began, his sincerity palpable. "I immediately regretted what I said."

               "It's okay. I went a little overboard as well. We all make mistakes," I reassured him, a genuine smile gracing my lips.

               "Anyways," Loki said, rising from his seat. "I just thought I'd check in. If you need to talk, don't be hesitant to reach out."

               "Okay, will do," I replied, grateful for his offer of support.

               Before he left, Loki turned back to me, a final remark lingering in the air like a fragile promise. "Oh yeah, one last thing," he said, meeting my gaze. "You looked very nice tonight." With a genuine smile, he departed, leaving behind a sense of warmth and acceptance that lingered in the room long after he had gone.


               I struggled to drag myself out of bed in the morning, my eyes sore and heavy from the tears shed the night before. The idea of retreating beneath the covers, cocooned in solitude, tempted me greatly. I craved the solace of isolation, away from the pitying gazes and well-intentioned inquiries I would inevitably get. Above all, I dreaded the possibility of encountering Tony; the mere thought of facing him filled me with apprehension, my heart recoiling at the prospect of confronting the pain he had caused.

               Yet, despite my longing for seclusion, duty called. I had commitments to honor—a lesson with Nat awaited, and hunger gnawed at my stomach. Summoning what little resolve remained within me, I dressed in an oversized hoodie, sweatpants, and slippers, opting for comfort over semblance. Pulling the hood over my head, I ventured downstairs to the kitchen.

               Fortunately, the journey downstairs passed without incident, but my reprieve was short-lived. Upon entering the kitchen, I found Thor and Steve already present, their presence an unavoidable intrusion into my desire for solitude.

               "Good morning, Liz," Steve greeted me cautiously, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

               "Hey," I muttered, my gaze fixed on the refrigerator as I reached for a carton of milk, my movements mechanical.

               "Nice weather outside, isn't it?" Thor interjected, his attempt to alleviate the tension falling flat.

               Silence hung heavy in the air, awkward and stifling, as Thor and Steve exchanged glances, their discomfort palpable.

               Eventually, Steve broke the silence, his words laced with empathy. "Listen, Liz... Tony was out of line last night. If you ever need to talk, we're here for you."

               I turned to face him, gratitude softening the edges of my weariness. "Thanks. I appreciate that. But honestly, I just need some space today. The argument with Tony really took its toll," I confessed, my voice tinged with exhaustion.

               "It's completely understandable. Take all the time you need," Steve reassured me, his kindness a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

               A faint smile graced my lips as I bid them farewell, a sense of relief washing over me as I retreated to the sanctuary of my room, a simple bowl of cereal in hand. Today would be a day of self-care, a respite from the turmoil of the outside world—a small step towards healing the wounds inflicted by the events of the previous night.

Broken - (Loki x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें