[Into the Fray]

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~The Next Day~

               After just one day, Tony had finished making my katana, and he was already a third of the way done with my suit. I still couldn't quite comprehend how he could produce things so quickly. He even engineered the katana to "collapse" into a small box for easy transport, a thoughtful touch that I truly appreciated. Carrying around a 24-inch katana all the time would have been quite awkward, to say the least.

               Fresh from my first katana training session with Nat, I found myself with a couple of hours to spare before my next training session with Loki. Figuring I could spend the time catching up with some of the Avengers, I headed to the lounge area where I spotted Steve, Thor, Bruce, and Clint engaged in lively conversation. Nat followed closely behind me.

               "Welcome, ladies," Thor greeted us warmly. "Care to join us in our delightful discourse on our favorite beverages?"

               "And why, pray tell, are we discussing this?" Nat inquired as we settled onto the couch across from Thor and Steve. Clint and Bruce occupied armchairs nearby.

               "We were reminiscing about some of Tony's legendary parties, and that somehow led us to our favorite drinks," Clint explained.

               "Ah, Stark parties! I've heard they're truly one of a kind," I chuckled.

               "They're definitely unique, that's for sure. Tony's like a modern-day Gatsby," Steve chimed in, prompting laughter and nods of agreement from us all.

               "So, what have you two been up to?" Bruce inquired, turning his attention to Nat and me.

               Just as I began to respond, Tony sauntered in. "Hey," he greeted, patting my leg. "How's the boyfriend?"

               There was a brief, awkward silence as everyone—including me—shot him a puzzled look. "I... don't have a boyfriend," I replied slowly, utterly bewildered as to where that notion had come from.

               "I know, I'm just reminding you," Tony teased, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his antics, while Clint and Thor chuckled.

               "Aww, come on, Tony," Nat chided, coming to my defense.

               "Wooww, okay," I responded, my tone laced with sarcasm as I shot Tony a playful glare. "How's your parents?" I asked, turning the tables on him. I knew from Nat about the tragic fate of his parents, my grandparents, and while I felt a twinge of guilt for bringing it up, Tony's teasing had warranted a little payback.

               Tony's smile vanished instantly, replaced by a death glare directed at me. Amidst the laughter from the others, I hoped I hadn't crossed a line.

               Thor leaned over, offering me a high five with a laugh. "Nice one, Liz," he commended, while Steve followed suit, beaming. "Way to put him in his place."

               "I'm sorry, I was just kidding," I apologized quickly, feeling a pang of remorse.

               "It's okay, kiddo. Good one, actually. I know where you get your wit from," Tony acknowledged as he headed to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

               Once Tony was out of earshot, Nat leaned in to whisper to me. "To be fair, he kinda had it coming. Love the guy, but he can be a real jerk sometimes," she chuckled.

               "Yeah, no doubt," I laugh.

               "Speaking of boyfriends," Thor interjects, a mischievous glint in his eyes that immediately puts me on edge. Oh no, what's he going to say next? "How's it going with Loki?" He gives me a sly smile, his tone teasing.

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