[Bonds and Blueprints]

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               Two weeks within the confines of Stark Tower felt surreal, each passing day a whirlwind of newfound connections and burgeoning skills. It seemed like just yesterday I had stepped foot into this monumental building and met my father for the first time in 22 years. Since then, the bonds with my fellow Avengers had deepened, and Tony and I had forged a closer relationship. He graciously allowed me to assist him in constructing some of his Iron Man suits, unveiling a world of advanced technology that I never knew could be so exhilarating.

               Steve and Thor often teased me, jesting that I was gradually morphing into a younger version of Tony. I couldn't help but take it as a compliment; after all, Tony Stark was the epitome of genius, and any comparison to him was praise in itself.

               Under Tony's guidance, I began training with a wider array of individuals, expanding beyond sessions with Loki. Nat, Steve, and Clint became my mentors in combat, instilling in me the necessity of honing my fighting skills and mastering control over my clones. With the looming specter of potential adversaries as an Avenger, Tony emphasized the importance of readiness, and I wholeheartedly agreed. The praise from my mentors buoyed my spirits, with Tony even expressing his willingness to craft a suit and weapon tailored to my newfound skills. The prospect of designing my own gear filled me with excitement, and I eagerly mulled over various concepts.

               However, amidst the camaraderie and progress, Loki remained an enigmatic figure, his demeanor as inscrutable as ever. Despite my persistent efforts to bridge the gap, he remained aloof and indifferent, his behavior taking a peculiar turn since our training session in Central Park. I talked to Thor about it, but his reassurances did little to assuage my concerns, his dismissive attitude towards Loki's quirks offering scant comfort.

               With each passing day, my mastery over magic continued to grow, albeit with its own set of challenges. Controlling three clones simultaneously proved to be a daunting task, requiring unwavering focus and discipline. Yet, despite my best efforts, moments of distraction threatened to derail my concentration, leaving me frustrated and bewildered by the elusive nature of my powers.

               As I made my way towards my father's lab, sketches of potential suit designs in hand, I inadvertently collided with Steve, my thoughts consumed by the possibilities laid out before me.

               "Certainly didn't expect to become a walking hazard today," I joked, offering a sheepish smile as I adjusted the papers in my grasp.

               "No worries, Liz." Steve paused to inspect my work. "These are really good. Did you do them?" he inquired, turning his attention back to me.

               "Yeah, Tony's given me the green light to design my super suit. These sketches are just a glimpse of my ideas," I explained, flipping through the pages. One design resembled Nat's sleek bodysuit, but in a deep maroon with striking black accents. Another featured a chic black and gray ensemble, complete with a long scarf and knee-high boots—my personal favorite. The last one showcased a pristine white suit adorned with luxurious gold accents. Each outfit was paired with a katana that echoed the color scheme of the ensemble. I've always admired katanas and thought they'd add a unique touch to my suit.

               "Well, I think they're all really good. I personally think you would look the best in this one," Steve pointed to the last design, a subtle wink accompanying his playful remark.

               I chuckled at his flirtatious banter. "That one's my second favorite," I admitted with a grin. "Hey, do you know if Tony's tinkering away at his suits?" I attempted to change the subject.

               "I'd imagine so. He's been holed up in there quite a bit lately," Steve replied.

               "Alright, thanks. Catch you later, Cap," I said, beginning to make my way in Tony's direction. He waved goodbye as I headed off.


               I find my father in his lab, surrounded by the familiar hum of machinery and the scent of metal. He's hard at work on a suit, just as I suspected. Walking up to him, I clear my throat to get his attention.

               "Hey, you got a moment?" I inquire.

               "Yeah, hold on a second," he responds, his focus momentarily diverted. "Let me finish this real quick. Hey, can you give me that wrench over there?" He points to his toolbox, and I retrieve the tool for him. After a few swift movements, he finishes up and turns towards me. "Okay, what do you need?"

               "I got a few sketches of some potential suit designs that I want you to check out." I hand him my drawings and he carefully examines them.

               "Okay, these look good. I'd be able to make these. Which one were you wanting?" he asks.

               I point to the middle one. "This one is my favorite, but I'd be cool with any of them. I think that one paired with a matte black katana would be sick."

               "Alright, I'll be able to do that. I'll make everything bullet and fire proof for you as well. Any other special requests?"

               "Not that I can think of. If I come up with anything I can let you know. If you come up with anything as well, you can add it. I trust your judgment," I smile.

               "Will do. I should have it done in a couple of days. You're going to have to learn how to fight with a katana, now. I'm sure that you won't have any trouble with that, though," he remarks confidently.

               I smile. "Now all that's left is to come up with a cool name." We both share a laugh at the thought.

               "Hey, I'm always happy to have an extra hand. If you're not busy, of course," Tony suggests, his eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect of collaboration.

               "I'd love to," I respond eagerly. I'm always more than happy to have some more bonding time with my father. Together, we delve into the intricacies of his suits, spending the rest of the day immersed in our shared passion.

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