[Shattered Illusions]

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               After a few days of meticulous craftsmanship, Tony unveiled my suit, and it was nothing short of spectacular. Every detail was meticulously crafted to perfection, matching the vision I had envisioned. The suit boasted bulletproof and fireproof capabilities, a testament to Tony's dedication to my safety in the line of duty. But what truly caught my attention was the ingenious addition of a grappling hook integrated into my scarf – Tony's inventive touch that added an extra layer of versatility to my arsenal. Though I hadn't yet tested it, the mere thought of its potential filled me with excitement.

               Today marked a special occasion: Tony's gathering with the Avengers and some other acquaintances, promising an evening filled with revelry and camaraderie. I couldn't contain my anticipation, secretly thrilled to partake in the festivities. Wanting to extend an olive branch, I broached the idea of inviting Loki to the affair. Tony hesitated initially, but with some persuasion, he relented under the condition that Loki remained restrained with his cuffs throughout – a compromise I gladly accepted.

               However, preparing for the soirée posed a challenge as I lacked suitable attire. Thankfully, Nat and Pepper came to my rescue, whisking me away for a much-needed girls' day out to shop for the perfect ensemble. We ventured through upscale boutiques like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Dior, but none of the dresses felt quite right despite their hefty price tags. Just as I was losing hope, Pepper suggested a visit to Versace, and though fatigued from hours of shopping, I begrudgingly agreed.

               Amidst the racks of designer dresses, Nat presented me with a stunning black one-shoulder dress, igniting a spark of hope. Slipping into the garment, I was pleasantly surprised by its flattering fit and comfortable feel, exuding a subtle allure that resonated with me. Stepping out of the dressing room, I was met with exclamations of approval from Nat and Pepper, boosting my confidence.

               "Girl, you look hot as hell," Nat beamed.

               "Yes! I think we found a winner!" Pepper cheered and clapped her hands. I smile at their remarks.

               "I absolutely adore this dress. But...what about the price?" My gaze falls upon the price tag, and I feel a knot form in my stomach. $2,000. The figure catches me off guard, threatening to steal away my excitement. "Oh, wow, that's quite a hefty sum, one that's definitely not within my budget." I glance up at Nat and Pepper, my disappointment evident.

               "Hun, that's why God created credit cards," Pepper quips, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she produces her own card.

               "Oh, Pep, you really don't have to do that for me," I protest, feeling guilty at the mere thought of accepting such a generous offer.

               "It's perfectly fine, dear. Besides, this is Tony's credit card we're talking about," Pepper reassures me, her laughter lightening the mood as she makes light of the situation.


               We finally arrived back at Stark Tower, the day's shopping spree having consumed most of our time. With the party looming, I had a mere hour and a half to transform into party mode. Nat took charge of curling my hair while Pepper expertly applied makeup, despite my protests that they didn't need to go to such lengths.

               The three of us descended to the party at the top of Stark Tower. Pepper dazzled in a navy blue dress with cap sleeves, while Nat rocked a sleek black jumpsuit. As we entered the lounge and bar area, the air buzzed with music and chatter. Thor, Clint, Steve, and Tony were stationed at the bar, drinks in hand, while Bruce, James Rhodes, and Nick Fury engaged in conversation on the couch. Other guests mingled around, unfamiliar faces adding to the lively ambiance. I spotted Loki standing alone, restrained by his cuffs, and offered him a smile, but he averted his gaze.

Broken - (Loki x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum