Chapter 17

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QOD ""Love knows no bounds; it sweeps us off our feet, transcending distance to unite hearts." -unknown

He smelled like Versace pour homme perfume , his teeth sparkled like the morning sun, his eyebrows were knitted into a fine arch, his face glowed like gold,

I was tempted to ask him his skin care routine, but I had to stop ogling before I sent my inner self to her early grave, it would be a shame to us that the man practically swept us, we flew and landed back to the surface.

"Of course." I replied, tried not to look at the Angel's face again.

The man Hissed, and begin to shake his legs in a way that screams frustration, "why are some Family members so annoying."

"Family troubles right?" I asked. It's not my thing to talk to strangers, but the smoothness of his hoarse baritone voice was something I'd pay to wake up to. So I kept the conversation going so he'll talk more.

He Noded.

"Well that makes us two."

"I'm never coming home again." He said.

"I totally agree with you, with everything they've caused me, I don't think I would too."

"We can actually make life easier for us, but we just like things the hard way, we practically force ourselves on each other, all in the name of keeping strong ties, well I'm done with that whoever needs me should loook for me. I'm done."

"I guess it's easier for you to say that as a man, but do women have a choice.?"

"They do, of course they do."

"How do you mean, cause the last time I checked everyone seems to have a say in our lives."

"The best Decision is to get married and move out."

Talking of marriage, I was a hundred percent sure he'd make such a handsome groom, a good one I doubt, I couldn't just conclude yet.

In that fleeting moment, as our eyes met and our souls intertwined, the possibility of a future together unfolded like pages of a story waiting to be written. In the blink of an eye, I found myself envisioning a journey of love, culminating in a tapestry of vows exchanged and promises kept.

It was as if time stood still, and in the silence between heartbeats, a symphony of emotions played out, painting the canvas of my mind with images of a wedding day shared with a stranger who felt like the missing piece of my soul.

In my mind, I envisioned a picturesque setting, where we'd have a luncheon, it will be bathed in golden sunlight, with a gentle breeze carrying whispers of love through the air. Rows of chairs adorned with delicate flowers lined a lush garden path, leading to an elegant altar adorned with billowing fabrics and fragrant blooms.

Subhanallah, I quickly got out of my head and replied. "Mmm, you think it's all about that, until we end up with the wrong guy."

I was still waiting for his reply when the robotic airline voice announced the arrival of our Plane and it was time to leave.

"sometimes you just have to be positive, not every guy is bad, have you been in love before?"

My heart skipped a bit on hearing that question. He grabbed my box as if it was his as we walked to the plane, it was a mini box that served as a hand luggage.

"You're not answering my question, have you ever gotten the feel of Love?" He asked again.

My heart screamed "yes, on the mere sight of you,." But my mouth scribbled the words " that's not the conversation at hand."

He grinned and the sun had to hide to let him shine, we had to be apart since we had separates seat, not even close to each other.

He placed my box at the top right of the shelf, grinned and whispered "see you later."

Little did he know he sent shivers down my spine, what a man!

Awwn someone is in lovee!
But who's that guy ?
Thanks for the read guys.
Please share!
Iftar Kareem.
Lt. Naz 🤍✨

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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