Chapter 13

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QOD "Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" - Norman Vincent Peale.

"Yes. Daddy."

"If anyone says a word or look at you in a type of way, just let me know."

"Yes Daddy."

"Fi amanillah."

"Fi Amanillah Daddy ." And we dismissed.

I knew it will be hard to look at everyone the morning after, but I still wanted to see the disgust on their faces, that's what they get for messing with the admirals daughter.

I woke up to my loud alarm that rang my brain up before five, I had set it thirty minutes before fajr so I'll have some me time with ilahee.

Woke up tired, couldn't remember falling asleep, I dragged my feet to the tiled bathroom brushed my teeth and performed ablution, prayed and went back to bed, well not forgetting to peek through the window to see what was going on in the house, to my surprise they woke up and continued their wedding preparations like nothing happened, the soldiers left earlier so nothing was keeping them inside.

I didn't know how to face Afee but she knew better than dragging me into that mess, now we've painted each other colors we hated.

I slept like a baby after setting my alarm for 11:00am then breakfast would be ready, or better still I could order food.

Afee kept crossing my mind so I had to go check her up.

In my navy blue silk trouser and shirt pajamas and a white head bonnet on it, I crossed to the other part of the house and used the back door, I could see eyes ogling and whispers were flying in the air, they dare not say a word about me out loud.

"Assalamu'alaikum." I greeted, as my right ear rested and n the door.

"Wa'alaikum salam who's it?" I heard Afeeyah's voice loud and clear, how didn't she not recognize mine? Well I scratched, lifted my face from the door, before saying.

"It's Fairuzah." The the door clicked open.

I was greeted with the dust of face powder as the other girl who I guessed was the makeup artist was angry sweeping it off.

"Sorry you broke your powder." I said to Afee.

"Oh no, it's the makeup artist's, she was unpacking when it fell, so I'm helping her clean up, atleast she doesn't go calling her daddy for it."

I heard that part loud and clear, but still ignored it.

"I see she's very punctual, isn't it kind of early?"

"I know, kamu is by 4, she said the bridal makeup takes time, so is she'll start with the bridesmaids when it's two hours to the event, she'll start mine."

"Oh okay."

"Sannu (sorry about that) makeup artist, I guess the powder was an expensive one."

"It's Mary Kay, it's expensive, it was shipped down here."

"My bad how much will you do my make up?"

"Casual is 35k, luxury casual is 100k"

"Alright, and how much is the pallet you broke?"

"I bought it $250."

Okay, do the conversions, and drop your account details I'll be going for the luxury casual."

"Haa!" The makeup artist exclaimed.

"Thank you so much ma, it means a lot."

Afeeyah chimed in by saying, "Fairu you wouldn't have paid that, your presence here is enough already."

"Okay, but this is for the makeup artist not you." I replied.

"You are such a sweet girl, well more of a Daddy's girl."

"enough of that, weytin dey to chaw for this house ?"

"oh there's Masa, sorry I've been too busy to send some to you, I would have said you should go to the kitchen yourself but those women will use their eyes
to swallow you."

"Well we both know I didn't do them good, I mean I wanted revenge but that kind of went way too far. I'm sorry Afeey."

"Well I was a bit angry, but it's okay, there was no event yesterday so thank God!"

"You are an angel, you deserve the best wedding on earth."I tried to say something sweet to cheer her up.

"I know!" She exclaimed as we high fived our soft palms.

Tried to be on time this week!
And how much is $250 in your country? I want to check something, Because!
Lt. Naz 🤍✨
thank you for always being here.!

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