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Jimin started at his hands,wondering if he needed a deep cleaning or if he could just do it himself.He looked around as he found some bandages.He managed to cover the scars with some of them.

Leaving his wounds aside of his mind,he focused on the box Infront of him.

He looked at it blankly, realising that Yoongi has sealed it with tape.Was it that important to hide that you seal it with duct tape?

Trying to rip it off but only failing,the male thought of getting some scissors to help him.He thought of asking Jiwoo but he would sound suspicious.

So what could he do except finding them himself?

He shoved the box under the bed incase Jiwoo came in.Then he quickly but quietly left the room.

Jiwoo was in the room right under Yoongi's one.He had to be extra quiet.

The small boy sprinted through the stairs, figuring out that he might find scissors in the kitchen.

He slowly opened one of the drawers,then quickly shoving his hands in to dig out what he needed.

'Jimin?I swear if you're awake..'

Hearing Jiwoo call his name from the other room,he immediately picked up the scissors,but he ended up crashing a knife while doing so.

The utensil ended up cutting Jimin's foot as it fell down.

'Oh shit..'he cursed as blood started erupting from the cut.It wasn't even cut that deep but it still bled pretty badly.

'Jimin?What happened?Are you okay?'

Before Jiwoo could even get a peek of him,he sprinted upstairs.

She perked through the entrance of the kitchen,noticing the stain of blood and the knife next to it.

'This kid is so weird sometimes..'she mumbled to herself as she kneeled down and rubbed the floor with a towel.

'Shit,this house is sharper than my sharpener..'he sighed as he completely wrapped his foot with bandages.He didn't do it like a professional,he just wrapped it so the blood could stop.

'Now,back to that goddamn box..'he turned around,picked up the scissors and completely tore the duct tape off.

While doing so though,he ripped some pictures apart.

'Oh damn.'

He ripped the remaining tape off with his hands.He took a quick look at all of the pictures before digging in.

'How many wives did this man have..'he whispered to himself as he looked at a picture with a pretty,long haired brunette girl.

She looked a little too familiar to him..

'Isn't that..wait..'

He digged into the box one more time,picking a picture of Yoongi with the same woman in it.

To Jimin's eye,she looked a lot like Jieun..but didn't Yoongi hate Jieun?

That moment,a realisation hit him.


'Jimin!Stop jumping around!Yoongi is coming!'Ms.Park yelled from across the room as she picked little Jimin up,placing him on the counter.

'Mind helping me decorating the cake?I heard Junmin is coming with them too.'

'Junmin?I don't like her..'the little boy sulked as he found out who was going to attend at the house.



'Jimin, sweetheart,not like that!'Mr.Park said from as he entered the house.

'But I don't like her.I don't want to play with her.'

'Okay,but can you at least be kind to her?'Ms.Park asked politely as she picked his forehead,hoping for him to listen to her.

'Okay,but just letting you know that I love Yoongi more.He's the coolest hyung ever.'

'As you say..'

As she turned away for a second,she heard Jimin drop to the floor.

'Yoongi hyung!'he screamed happily as he ran to the door,jumping into his elder's arms.

'Hello,little one.'he said groggily as he kissed Jimin's head crown.

'Junmin,will you say hi to Jimin?'the tall brunette that was standing right beside Yoongi pushed her daughter further so she could greet him.

Junmin,being the fussy kid she is,refused to speak to Jimin.

'Junmin,don't be like that..'

'Ah!Yoongi,Jieun!What a pleasure to finally see you two!It had been a while since we last saw you.'

'Yeah..things haven't been really great between us so it was hard for a while but we managed to fix it.'

'I hope things are okay now.Little Junmin has grown up a lot!She was just a baby when I saw her for the last time.'

'Yeah,but she has her mother's attitude.'Yoongi mumbled under his breath as he released Jimin from his grip.

'Oh,stupid me.'Mr.Park said as he walked in 'Come and take a seat.We have prepared everything.'

'Hyung!Come in the kitchen!Mom made your favourite soup!Oh,and she also made you some kimchi!But...she made it the Chinese way,not the Korean way.'

Damn,what did Yoongi feel towards Jimin that day?

Hours were passing.The heat between Jieun and Yoongi was growing.

'I was just saying that you can't act like a fucking psycho anytime I do something wrong.'Jieun said as she fixed her dress.

'You little bitch..'he quietly whispered.

He then looked at Mr.Park.

'Hey,Mr. And Ms.Park,can you excuse us for a bit?'

'Of course.'

Yoongi then immediately pulled her by the wrist as made their way to the bathroom and locked it.

'Can you stop acting like a bitch Infront of them?'

'Acting like a bitch?Can you stop being a jerk?'

'Damn,being a jerk,now is that it?'

'Yes,that's it!You have been ignoring !e for the past months.As if you're loosing feelings or something.If you want a fucking divorce then say!'

'We aren't married.Your dad forced you to keep the child that I gave you.Otherwise you would've been left on the streets.Along with Junmin.'

'You little-'as she was about to slap Yoongi across the face,Jimin knocked on the door.

'Yoongi hyung!Dad told me to check on you.Is everything okay?'

'Unlock the door.'Yoongi demanded.

Jieun obeyed as she unlocked it and let Jimin in.

'Now leave.'

She huffed as she flipped her hair and left right there and then.

'My pretty boy..'Yoongi said,picking Jimin up and placing him on the sink counter.


'You are so pretty..how old are you turning this year?'he asked as he brushed the strips of hair that were covering the younger's forehead.

'I'm about to turn 10 in a few months!I'm really excited.'

'That's perfect.'he said as he kissed both of his cheeks.

'Little pedo..'Jieun gritted her teeth as she watched her husband through the door,being ready to leave this house.

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