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Yoongi's black velvet car had arrived at a rather crowded house,resulting to multiple people giving it a strange look.

He got out of the car as soon as he hid his gun in his panties.Now,let's say that Jimin's so called boyfriend's family knows who Yoongi is.

'Good night,mister Jeun.'he bowed down to the house owner and received a bow back,as he wrapped his arm around Yoongi's shoulders.

'Ah,Yoongi!Haven't seen you in a while.What brings you here?'he said with a pleasant smile as he took a sip of his wine.'Jimin told me to check on his boyfriend.Is he home yet?'Yoongi had asked,remembering that he could be still at the bar.

'Yeah,but he is drunk as fuck.'he replied,not realistic that he himself is as drunk as his son.'I will go check now,thanks,mister Jeun.'he said for last,as he released himself from his grip.

Finally entering the residence of family Jeun,Yoongi started looking around,making sure that no one there knows him.

He made his way to the second floor,trying to remember where Jihoon's room was.

He looked over to see a nicely selected door that had the initials 'JJ' written on it.He had swatted the door open,revealing a tipsy Jihoon making out with a completely different woman from the one he was with at the party.

'What do you think you are doing?'the woman asked,clearly irritated by Yoongi's presence.'Miss,imma need you to leave for a second,please.We need to talk about some...business with Jihoon.'

The woman let go of the male's hands,leaving the two alone to discuss the so called business.

Yoongi made his way closer to Jihoon,making the tension between them unbearable.'So,Jihoon,right?'Yoongi said sarcastically as he looked at him in disappointment.'What?'he said,his voice muffled as he was still a little taken away.

'Do you know who Jimin is?'he asked with a deep,low voice,knowing that drunk people tell the truth.'Yeah....why?'he answered,confused of why he would ask about him.

'So..may I ask,why did you cheat on Jimin?'he inquired with a straight face on and looked him dead in the eyes.'Well,to be honest..he did have a nice ass,but he was just so not my type.'

'Oh...so just because he wasn't your type you decided to rape him?So convenient..'Yoongi whispered a little too close to the younger's ear,making him shiver.

'H-How do you know about that?'he stuttered out and took a few steps back,scared about his dear life.'Let's say that a little bird told me.Now,tell me,why did you decide to rape him?'

Hearing those words,Jihoon looked around and grabbed the closest object,that being a vase and smashing it on Yoongi's head.

His forehead was almost split in half,but that didn't stop him from giving that little fuck what he deserves.He took out the gun that he was hiding and pointed it at him.

'You are not going anywhere.'Yoongi warned with a low voice,making Jihoon freeze in his place.He trembled out in fear,not knowing what to say.

'Look,either you kill yourself with this gun here,which is being the fast and painless way,or I kill you slowly.You decide.'he stated as he started waving his hand with his gun.

'I don't wanna kill myself..'he whimpered out and looked in Yoongi's eyes,weirdly trying to beg his way out of here.

'Lay on the bed,you dirty dog.'Yoongi demanded and his victim did as told,resting his body on the bed and waiting to be told what to do.

Yoongi took out a pair of handcuffs as he interlocked the boy with the bed and then whipped out a pocket knife.'What are you gonna do?'Jihoon asked,not knowing what Yoongi was doing since his vision was blurry.

'You are not gonna talk while I do my job,understood?'

'Yeah,but what are yo-'

The room started filling up with Jihoon's high pitched screams,since he felt the tip of the knife slowly dig into his skin.He tried to wiggle his foot around so Yoongi can back off,but still,Yoongi was a lot stronger than him.

'Do you like that?' Yoongi questioned as he looked at Jihoon's unpleasant and frightened expression.'N-No!It hurts...please stop..'he started begging out of nowhere,thinking that Yoongi would let him go that easily.


'S-Stop please!I understood my mistake!Please let me go!'he begged as he was looking on the multiple cuts on his now bare body.His arms were cut,his legs were cut,also his abdomen.

Yoongi tho,had zero tolerance towards that.He was adapted to killing people,so that wasn't a big deal for him.

'You understood your mistake,huh?'he whispered and took out another thing out of his pockets,with it being hydrochloride acid.It wasn't that much,just a little container of it.

He the gently tapped it,resulting to multiple drops of the liquid falling right into Jihoon's open cuts.'SHIT!' Jihoon cursed out as he crunched his body into a ball,whimpering out babbles inaudible for Yoongi.

'Does it hurt?'

'Y-Yes!Please stop...'


'Please,I beg you!I have learnt my mistake!Let me go!'he weakly whimpered and begged continuously,almost hopelessly to his torturer.

'Yeah,yeah..' Yoongi sighed out and looked around for something that would let him finish his prey.His eyes fell on a weirdly looking wire,perfect for his intentions.

He grabbed both of its ends,wrapping it around Jihoon's neck.

'W-What are you gonna do?'he trembled out as he watched Yoongi's every action,waiting for response.

'Oh,just gonna send you to heaven.'

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