71- note

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The clock ticks trough, disrupting my thoughts on the last math question

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The clock ticks trough, disrupting my thoughts on the last math question. After this question, my exams are done. The stress I've had this past week will be finally gone.

It was hard not falling into old habits I used to have whenever I felt the slightest bit of stress, but Diego and all my other brothers managed to help me through it without falling back.

In a regular pentagon, what is the measure of each interior angle?

a) 90 degrees
b) 108 degrees
c) 120 degrees
d) 144 degrees

I try digging into everything I've learned the past few days. I remember practicing this, and I was really good at it. It must be the stress taking over.

I think thoroughly, and suddenly I remember.

I encircle answer B, and smile in myself.

I did it.

I finished this whole week without relapsing, and to be honest, I think I did pretty good on all of my subjects.

My brothers were right after all.

I walk up to the front desk, handing the teacher my exam, and wander out of class. I see Leanne has already left long ago, and I can't blame her as I was one of the last being still busy with the questions.

I send Javi a quick text, telling him I'm ready to be picked up, and I saunter through the halls, walking to my locker.

I give in the code, and take out all of the books and stuff I need in winter break.

I'm already feeling giddy when u think about spending Christmas with my family for the first time since I can remember.

I'm so focused on these thoughts, that I don't notice when my calculator slips out of my hands. The crazy expensive calculator Mr. Brown told us to not damage. Oops.

I drop to my knees, scurrying all my papers and calculator into my arms, barely able to make it fit.

Once I have everything in between my arms, I spot a little small note laying on the floor upside down.

I frown. It must've fallen out of my locker when the calculator fell.

I rapidly pick it up, ready to just shove it into my locker, when I see something's written on it.

I turn the note around and study it further.

I'm sure you did good, pretty girl.

I turn around the note again, seeing if it's addressed or something by someone, but no, nothing. I frown my brows again, and start feeling a wave of anxiousness rushing through me.

I look hastily around the hallway, but it's completely abandoned.

Why would someone put a note in my locker. Isn't that creepy? Maybe it's from Lucas? But he wouldn't call me 'pretty girl'..

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