"I'm very sure Book. I thought about that as well, but, I don't think it's that. I just fell like there should be someone else in that picture as well."

"That...is...crazy." Book flopped down on Khaotung's bed. "Completely crazy."

"I know." Khao ran his hand over his face.

"Your last name is the same, you could, I mean you sure are a descendant of them or something." Khaotung took a deep breath before turning to Book.

"I have no idea. But I wouldn't know who to ask either. Don't you think my family would have mentioned something along those lines if that were the case?"

"I don't know, but it could be and I think..." Their conversation was interrupted by the ringtone of Khaotung's phone - Kanaphan.

"Yes? What do you want?"

"I wanted to check if you were alright, after all, you weren't feeling well earlier." Kanaphan's voice sounded genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, um everything's fine. Book is with me." Something inside Khaotung was screaming at him to bring Kanaphan up to speed, it was like he couldn't help it. "Kanaphan, I think the family in the photo, the royal family, is the one I always have nightmares about." Book looked at Khaotung in horror and tried to make him realize with gestures that he must be completely out of his mind now.

"I hope it's okay with you that I brought up the topic with Sea and my brother, Force." Kanaphan gulped. "I think we should meet again, this whole thing is getting more and more crazy."

"Do you want to come to my place? Book's already here anyway, and I don't want to leave the house today." First agreed after asking if it was okay if his brother and Sea could come too.

"Have you gone completely crazy now?" Book hissed when Khaotung hung up. "This is Kanaphan. Do you remember? Bully and Jock?"

"I know, I can't explain what's going on either, but I have a feeling he's the key to sorting it all out with my nightmares." Book shook his head.

"I don't have a good feeling about this Tung, I know I should be standing behind you and trust you on this, but this is all pretty weird." Khaotung took his best friend's hands and looked pleadingly into his eyes.

"Please trust me, okay?"

"Okay, but I will personally remind you for the rest of your life if this goes wrong."

"Thank you," Khaotung whispered as the buzz of the doorbell sounded as well.

"Kanaphan," Khaotung nodded to the other as he opened the door.

"This is my brother, Force, and my friend Sea," Kanaphan introduced his two companions.

"Pleased to meet you both." Khaotung looked at the tall man in front of him, Sea looked so much friendlier when he wasn't hanging out with Kanaphan's jock clique. First's brother was brunette, muscular, and just as good-looking as his brother. "Come on in then, my room is right here in the front on the left."

Khaotung decided to get some more drinks and prepare some snacks and disappeared into the kitchen for a moment. A short time later, his angry friend, Book, stomped through the open kitchen door. "You might as well have told me Force was coming." Khaotung grinned widely.

"I wasn't sure if it was your Force, " laughing, he poured some beer into three of the glasses provided. "But your reaction just confirmed it for me."

"That still doesn't explain what he's doing here." Book had his arms crossed in front of his chest and was glaring at his best friend in annoyance.

Love Written By Blood // FirstKhao Where stories live. Discover now