Episode 11: L is for Long Spanking

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yes mom."

Her mom gave her a small nod before leaving the room. As soon as she did Lucy flopped back onto her bed and let out a loud long scream into her pillow, pounding her feet on her bed as she did this. Once she had gotten her scream out, she stood up to her feet and walked over to her closet. Hanging on the inside was where she kept two things that she was usually spanked with as the punishment went on. A small round paddle that had an annoying, but cute, image of a small bear cub with a red bottom. As well as a soft leather strap maybe six inches in length, not including the handle and grabbed them. Sometimes she could get through this end of week spanking without either one of them being used.

Tonight she knew she would not have that luck.

As she arrived to the living room. Her mother was sitting on their large brown couch. She was one of the best realtors in the city of New York, so she made quite the sum of money. So she was raised with a lot of money, but her mother didn't really use a lot it. Her funds went more towards a few charities, a humble life that Lucy both hated and was glad that she lived. She only reason she hatred it because while she had really nice cloths, they were not truly expensive like some of her other better off friends had. Her mom always sayings whenever Lucy complained about it. "You can't take expensive clothes with you to Heaven, so stop worrying about it so much darling. Material things won't last forever." That didn't stop her from not wanting a new purse, or the newest jacket sometimes.

Her mom looked up from her old bible. One filled with many different small posted notes, it was the same one that her mother had been given by her own momma back when she was a little girl. "You came a bit quicker than I thought you would." Valeria stated as she closed her favorite book and set it down on the table. Her daughter only nodded her head, clad tonight in a dark purple tank top, and a pair of dark purple pajama pants. She was shifting nervously from foot to foot. The woman patted her lap a few times, both in invitation and signal for her daughter to come and get over her lap. Her daughter let out the faintest of whines but without any back chat, she took that signal to also lower her pajama pants down and step out of them. Now just in a pair of light pink panties, with a few cute images of flowers running across them. She than walked over and draped herself over her mother's lap. Her backside sticking up in the air, a small and chubby backside, spankable as her mother would have called it.

She adjusted her daughter just slightly before reaching back and giving her a small pillow to both rest her head on and hold as the spanking grew. "Are you ready, Lucy?"

"Yes mom," Lucy replied, turning her head to fix her eyes on the television. She didn't bother closing her eyes or getting her body ready to get her rump spanked. After all, the first 30 or so minutes of this spanking were the most boring part. A very light, and mild warm up with her mother's hand.

Valeria lifted her hand up and began to land these softer spanks across her daughter's panty clad rump. Her own eyes fixed on the television as well as she spanked, and spanked away at her backside. Each swat making her daughter's rump wiggle just a tiny bit, only giving a small flick of her wrists as she went on and on. Some kids would have been standing in a corner, and she had a feeling her own daughter would have rather stood in a corner, instead of slowly getting her backside spanked. However, there was a slight secret that came from this light warm up, it was like putting meat in a pressure cooker to slowly cook overtime. It made it tender, and that was the point of this rather long warm up spanking. Her pace changed as time on, and on, from a bit quicker to slower spanks. Her daughter's rear end started to warm up ever so slightly. Valeria was so skilled at doing this, that she didn't even need to keep her eyes on her daughter's rump to see where she was spanking. It was almost second nature, so instead she watched the news, something that her daughter found quite boring.

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