Episode 7: H is for Hard Hand Spanking

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A/N: Okay.... So I kinda realized when I finished writing this that G comes before H, don't know how I made that mistake but I will have G up sometime tomorrow... sorry for the confusion lol.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Matilda Jone said as she stood in front the absolutely massive person that she called her father. Built like he was a human ox, nearly 6 '8 in size, a large round belly but that almost acted like a disguise for the true strength of her father. His strong broad arms, and even bigger rougher hands.

"No I am not fucking kidding you, and watch your mouth." Her father grumped as he looked up from his book. That almost looks pitifully small in his strong hands. "I told you when you came back from break, what was gonna happen if I caught you in that car, drunk out of your mind. I don't care if you are 21 years old and are about to graduate, I'm gonna put an end to this shit right here right now."

"D-Daddy," Matilda said softly. "Can we maybe discuss this like adults?" A nervous sweat began to run down her face. "I mean come on, daddy I am 21 years old."

"Do you want a cookie for being 21 years old?" Her daddy questioned as he raised an eyebrow over at her. "How many times have I warned you, asked you, damn near begged you to never attempt to even put your little foot on the gas pedal if you are even a bit tipsy." Her dad closed his book before reaching over and taking a long sip of his coffee. "I told you that is how we lost your mother, cause she did the same thing. I will be damned if I lose one of my children for the same reason that I lost your mother."

A wave of guilt began to run through Matilda's stomach, and she found herself kicking at the ground once more, almost like she was 11 years old and she was being scolded for stealing or lying. However, this was much worse, if there was one thing on this planet that her father drilled into herself and her brothers was never to drive drunk. He didn't care what reason it was, heck they all had his credit card number to call an uber and he would be the first to come and drive to get them if they were drunk. Last night was a lapse in her judgment, if she was being honest she didn't even remember getting back inside last night. Hell she was still a bit hungover but that was starting to fade away the more she looked into her dads soft blue eyes. "I'm sorry," those were the only words that could escape her mouth at that moment.

"Oh you will be, cause regardless of how big you get, you are still small enough to get over my lap and get your ass spanked." Her cheeks flushed a bit darker as she found herself nodding. "So you have a choice to make, either I can get this done right now, or we can wait till you get back from work?"

"How about a counter offer?"

"Alright we are doing it now."

Matilda frantically shook her head back and forth. "Please let's do it when I get back from work, for the love of God please let us do this tonight." That got her dad to crack a small smile.

"Good that I suggest you get dressed so I can take you to work."

"Take me to work?"

"You are not driving anywhere today."

"Oh come on daddy!"

"What was that, you want to get this done right now instead?"

There was a long wave of silence before Matilda began to inch her way out of the kitchen. "Give me an hour and I will be ready to go."


For her entire shift at the small cafe she worked at over winter break from college. The only thing on her mind for most of her shift was the absolute fear that she had not felt in nearly... Well technically it had only been a year since the last time she was over her dad's lap. He did not use a hairbrush, or paddle, her parents never believed in belts or switches. However, what was used for years in her home, were those heavy solid hands of her father that could crush metal and snapped trees if he truly wanted to. The last time she had felt his hand on her bare rump was when she was here for summer break. That was because she had gotten into a car accident that was her fault, that one being because she was texting and driving that night. No matter how much she tried in her life she could never really prepare herself for the sting of her father's large hand.

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