Episode 1: A is For Asking For Your Spanking. (Amari)

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Deep in the heart of Alabama, there was a small young girl around 10 years old. Her normally cheerful honey brown eyes were a bit downtrodden as she stood in front of her kind but firm Aunt Helena. Amari Jackson was one of two things, either a very naughty girl like her momma had said, or just a very hyper and hardhearted little girl, like her papa would say. Amari had a few issues following directions and she spent a lot more time standing in corners some days than she really liked. So far early in summer vacation she had not been the best behaved little girl, that was until her momma finally had enough of her attitude and her more naughty acts. So she decided that she was gonna spend a few weeks with her auntie Helena who stayed a bit deeper in Alabama on a very nice farm. She was ten years her momma's elder, but was a strong, loving and firm woman. Amari deeply loved her auntie more than anyone else in her family besides her own parents, because her auntie also spoiled her a lot. However, this week was different, because of her naughty actions she was gonna be facing her auntie's more firm side.

Which also meant she was gonna get what her older cousins got a lot more than she ever did, she was gonna get a lot of spankings. Now her mama and papa did not really believe in spankings, or even whoopins as her grandma called them. However, her auntie believed in them and she had a very special way of giving them out. A way that her auntie had explained to her on her first night there, and she had seen performed by her older cousins twice already in her week-long stay.

Now so far Amari had been a very good girl in her own rights. She had no issue waking up early when the rooster crowed, she had no problem with helping with the small list of chores she had been given to do. She loved the freedom to explore her aunties property, however today she had pressed her luck a bit too far. As she had gone deeper than she was allowed too and she had gotten so deeply lost in her own little world that she did not see her auntie come behind her. A worried expression on her older face and Amari also remember that she had done all of this while missing out on her one afternoon chore. Amari had looked up nervously at her auntie before smiling cutely. "H-Hi Auntie Helena..."

That was how the small light brown skinned girl found herself being dragged back firmly but gentle by her ear as her auntie took her to the dreaded back of the barn for her punishment. Her cousins had told her that she would never like a trip back there, and at first she couldn't really understand why. It just looked like a cozy looking storage place, a few bays of hay sitting around. Nothing to bad, except when she noticed the four times that were hanging off a few hooks nearby. One was a steady looking hairbrush, one was a small paddle, another was a bit bigger of a paddle with a few holes, and the last being a mean looking strap maybe six inches long.

Her Auntie had lifted Amari up and sat her firmly on one of the bays of hay. Fixing her with a kind but firm look, her light voice making her squirm a bit as spoke. "Amari, what is auntie rules about exploring?"

"Do not go farther than the creek." She responded sadly.

"And what is Auntie rules about chores?"

"They need to be done before I go exploring or playing."

Her auntie nodded her head. "Now what happens to little girls that don't listen and break two of auntie's rules?"

Amari opened her mouth to speak but then shut it firmly shaking her head from side to side as she did not wanna say it. Her auntie raised an eyebrow at that before asking. "Did you forget what you are supposed to say, Amari." Now Amari should have seen her aunties attempt to give her one last way out, but in her foolishness she shook her head once more. "I see so you are just choosing not to say it." Amari nodded her head once more before crossing her arms over her chest. "I see." Her Auntie replied as she stepped over to one of the windows that was in this small part of the barn. "Hey Mason!"

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