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The rendezvous spot was at a pier. It was empty, and eerily quiet. And like Kenji said, there was an all black SUV waiting for me. Standing outside of the car were four men, and from what I could see, there was someone in the drivers seat. The men outside of the car were heavily armed, watching the entrance as they waited for me to arrive. I stood over them, standing on top of a nearby crate, twirling the knife in my hand as I waited for the perfect moment to strike.

Kenji must think I'm an idiot if he thought I'd just pull up to this ambush. I knew I'd be outnumbered, I knew that they would either kill me here, knock me out, or drug me until they took me to the location. Either way, if I just strolled up in here, I would be at a disadvantage. Besides, there's nothing stopping Kenji from just killing Monroe when I get there. The only reason he was still alive was because he was using him to get to me.

And if it's me he wants, I'll give it to him... but on my own terms.

I jumped down from the crate, grabbing the guards head as I landed before slicing my blade across his throat. A nearby guard aimed his weapon at me, and I quickly threw the knife, hitting him directly in his throat. I quickly ran towards him, grabbing the blade before quickly pulling it out.

I grabbed another knife from my thigh as I sprinted towards the remaining two guards, and before they even had a chance to raise their weapons, I quickly bent down, rotating my body and slicing the blade across their knees, making them both fall before I quickly rotated again, bringing the blades across their throats and killing them instantly.

I walked over to the car, staring at the wide-eyed driver. I quickly opened the passenger side door as he lifted a gun up to me. I quickly gripped his wrist, pressing it down before stabbing my knife through the top of his hand, trapping it on the center console.

"Drive." I said as I glared at him. He grit his teeth in pain as he scowled at me.

"Now." I said, my tone cold and lethal as I twisted the knife in his hand, making him yell out once more before he reached over with his good hand and started the engine. We drove for about thirty minutes through the city, the driver occasionally grunting in pain.

Eventually we turned the corner and at the end of the street there was a large building. It was modern, and hardly had any windows. It was a building that I recognized immediately as one of Corporates rendezvous spots for their agents. It was a spot that was often used for... intense interrogation.

Corporate would have these locations set up all over the country, and every agent that worked for them had access to these facilities. The first two floors were used as a cover, just in case shit hit the fan. Their cover was usual some sort data facility or another façade that didn't involve many people in order to be believable. But underneath that... was the basement. The basement held rooms designed specifically for torture. They were soundproof, easy to clean, and had everything you could ever need to complete your job.

My breathing became unsteady. I knew what happens within the walls of that building, and the fact that Monroe was in there... I couldn't even being to imagine what Kenji was doing to him.

Because of my injuries, I wanted to use stealth to my advantage, to be able to strike when I was ready, to move when I wanted to. But as I looked over at the warehouse, I saw dozens of guards, all standing outside with handguns strapped to their waists. There were too many for me to take down in hand to hand combat, at least not in the condition I was in right now.

There was only one entrance on the first floor, and since it was heavily guarded, that didn't seem like the best option. I glanced at the building, recalling the interior of it before I settled on a small window on the second floor. If I remembered correctly, it was a window in a bathroom. The rooms that were used for torture and interrogation were underground in the basement, so if I were to enter through the second story, I would have to fight my way through. It will be tough, but better than going through the front door guns blazing. But in order to get there, I'd have to handle the patrol out front.

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