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Anyone who is anyone in the world of organized crime has heard of the notorious Felipe Lombardi. He was an OG, an older assassin that's been around the block more than enough times to earn himself a fierce reputation for being a crazy bastard and a merciless killer. A few years ago, he single-handedly annihilated half of the German Mafia because a Capo slept with his wife and ruined his marriage. Rumor had it that Corporate almost considered him a rogue agent for that, but the head of the German Mafia was so petrified of this one man, that he promised to exclusively run his assassinations through Corporate if he promised to stop slaughtering his men.

Felipe Lombardi is a skilled sharpshooter, and based off of my recon, his choice of weaponry is his custom-made pistols. Each bullet he fires is one of a kind, and before last month, completely untraceable. But even his hand-to-hand combat would be a challenge to go against. This man's not just a veteran in our field, but practically a legend. No one has gone head-to-head with Felipe Lombardi and lived to tell about it.

I quickly pulled the trigger, shooting the guard in the back of the head before pivoting on my foot. I ducked, avoiding the punch from the other guard before I spun and kicked the back of his knee and causing him to stumble. I rapidly brought my gun to the back of his head before lodging a bullet into his skull. The loud thud of the body hit the pavement as I jumped over the back gate. I landed on my feet as quietly as I could before I quickly pressed my back against the nearest wall.

I slowly turned the corner and spotted two armed guards with their backs turned towards me. As they were walking along the dim pathway, I quickly pulled the trigger and shot them both in the head before continuing forward. I spotted a large circuit breaker attached to a nearby wall and quickly made my way over to it.

I swung the circuit breaker open before I quickly scanned the switches until I found the ones I was looking for. One by one, I began flicking the switches, watching as Felipe's Lombardi's multi-million-dollar mansion began to lose power. The estate was sleek and modern, something that worked in my favor. The walls were made of floor to ceiling glass, and the light from the backyard and the nearby street were the only things illuminating the area.

I backed away from the circuit breaker as I headed towards the back door, watching as flashlights began to shine through the glass windows. I took a deep breath as I heard the sounds of muffled yells come from the other side of the wall, listening as the guards began barking orders to search the perimeter.

I quietly began walking towards the backdoor, watching carefully as the lights from inside grew closer with each step. I saw a guard running towards me from the back gate, and I quickly pulled the trigger, shooting her between the eyes and grabbing the metal handle of the backdoor before I swung it open.

I immediately came face to face with two more guards. One lunged at me while the other lifted his gun. I quickly kicked the weapon from his hand while the other wrapped my legs with his muscular arms. I grit my teeth as he rammed me into the wall beside us and my the on my gun loosened, causing my Glock to fall to the floor. I quickly brought my elbow upwards before I slammed it into his skull with all my strength.

The man fell to the side slightly, giving me enough room to duck and avoid the punch that was aimed for my head from the other guard. While the man was still crouched over, I quickly grabbed the handgun on his waist before pressing it against his temple and pulled the trigger. I quickly brought the gun up and shot the other guard in the heart.

I bent down as their lifeless bodies fell to the floor. I quickly grabbed a fully loaded clip from the guard's belt before tossing his weapon. I grabbed my Glock from the floor before popping in the new clip and standing up. Usually, I wouldn't bother picking up after myself. After all, every gun I use can't be traced back to me, but then again, the same was said about Felipe's bullet.

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