In the hushed space between our kisses, he whispered with a sincerity that echoed in the air, "I've dreamt of this moment, I have wanted to kiss you for a fucking long time, Muna." I hoisted my neck kissing him more, his taste bursting the inside of my body into many emotions.

"And what was holding you back?" I moaned, feeling my nipples harden against my bra skin, and the little human between my legs growl in hunger.

"You-" The elevator dinged, interrupting his words.

Not bothering to finish them, he claimed my lips again, holding my face with both hands like they were the most precious thing on earth. When we were already in motion again, the woman from earlier cleared her throat. She was the only one left in here with us, but I was too far gone to care about who was watching. I didn't know I craved his kiss this much.

Nicklaus paused his lips against mine and I pouted. A ghost of a smile appeared across his lips, "You taste so fucking good." He whispered, and a smile dawned on my face. He was still holding my face like it was an egg, an egg he was scared would crack. "But I think we should wait, love," he said, side-glancing at the woman.

Smiling shyly, I turned away from him, and his hands fell to his sides. I rested my body back on the elevator wall, and when my eyes met the woman's, she gave me a cautious look, the type my mom would give if I was doing something she didn't approve of.

It felt good to kiss Nicklaus. But it also felt good when you kissed Carl. That was all it took for my mind to drift into a world full of doubt.

The first time I kissed Carl was good too. He had promised me all the good things, he said he was so in love with me and promised not to mess it up but then, what happened?

Again, Nicklaus might not want something serious. Of course, he wouldn't, falling in love was a distraction, remember? That hurt even more.

My head was beginning to ache, and as I perched it on the elevator wall, I felt his hand hold mine again.

"I wanna know what's going on in your head right now," He whispered and when my eyes met his, he wasn't smiling anymore.

I hated that those doubts had fully possessed me, but I couldn't help it, and it was not like they weren't valid. I wouldn't want to feel what I felt months ago, ever again. I hated those feelings, they almost ruined me. It wasn't something I wanted to get used to.

Nicklaus nudged my arm, calling my attention back to him. "Talk to me, Love."

After a few seconds of staring at him, I muffled out. "You?" And a corner of his lips quivered in a small smile. "Us," I shrugged. "The kiss. You know, I- I think it's a..." I paused, and his face fell into a slight frown. "I think it's-"

"A mistake?" He raised his brows, and I gulped.

Yes, but I couldn't say it out loud. I didn't want to admit kissing him was a mistake because it wasn't. I wanted it just as much as he wanted it, and I was feeling stupid right now. So I decided to just be silent and only stare at him.

Nicklaus sighed, shifting his gaze away from me. His expression was hard to read, I could not figure out if he was getting angry, and there was no trace of anything on his face. He tilted his neck and looking at me, he said, "Muna, Kissing you would never be a-" The elevator dinged open, and we waited for the woman, who seemed to have forgotten it was her floor for a second, to leave.

Finally, We were left alone in here and for some reason, my heart was beginning to pound a little faster. I was becoming anxious, but over what exactly?

I heard Nicklaus heave a sigh and when I looked at him, he immediately held my gaze, his eyes had grown intense and he moved, halting right in front of me. He took my left hand in his right one, and I glanced down at our hands.

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