Chapter Eight- Permissions and Explanations

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By the time I had awoken, the sun was completely gone and I could only see the twinkle lights shining brightly from my windows. How embarrassing... I guess I'm all talk. How many times do you get an opportunity to have an orgy arguably three of the most popular gods? My entire body ached as if I had spent the last twenty-four hours straight practicing for the Olympics.

As carefully as one could be moving, I grabbed all the clothes I was wearing earlier and throwing them back on. Opening the bedroom door was the biggest shock yet. Sitting at the tiny wooden table was my father looking the best I had seen him in months. Honestly, I had completely forgotten that he was here. I guess I was so caught up in being back with everyone that I kind of ignored my father.

"Hey dad. Hope you weren't waiting long." I apologized, going straight to the chair opposite of him.

In front of my wasn't some godly concoction or even a bowl of random fruits or vegetables Demeter would have grown. In the shallow bowl was red stained noodles mixed with ground hamburger. Dad's 'sqaget' as he called it. Using the wooden fork and bringing one of the noodles to my lips, the sauce wasn't even from Demeter's garden. I'd recognize that taste anywhere- bland Ragu.

"It's alright. I just got here." He answered, never lifting his eyes off of the bowl.

"Dad, I-."

"I'm sorry"

My dad apologizing? For what? That's when I finally realized it. The dark circles around his eyes seemed to disappear and his face wore a smile despite the smile.

"What are you sorry for dad?" I asked, setting the fork against the bowl and giving him my full attention.

"I thought of you still as my baby girl, feeling I needed to protect you. Beating myself for those few months you were missing and I was in the hospital. Beating myself up even more after I got you back and just whining about why you were there without even realizing that you had literal gods protecting you left and right. I have to realize you're not a little girl anymore."

This felt more like it was leading to either a goodbye or to something I didn't want to know. Did he somehow know them before I did? No... at least Zeus would have said something. He's the only one who couldn't keep a secret like that.


"I'm glad they saved us. Somehow you were so amazing that you got three gods to fall in love with you."

"I'm not sure love is the right word." I attempted to joke, smiling until I realized what I implied to my own father.

Where one expected a lecture or at least a grossed out look, I heard a laugh. A laugh I hadn't heard in what felt like years. He finally took his eyes off the now empty bowl and set his fork down before looking up at me.

"I'm proud of you. I just wanted to let you know Neoma."

"Thanks dad. That means a lot."

The sincere moment didn't last very long before the door pushed open and hit hard against the wall. In the doorway was an out-of-breath Demeter wearing the same clothes as earlier but her makeup ran streaks down her freckled face. Quickly, both my father and I stood as if already anticipating the worst news yet.

"You need to come quick. Poseidon and Aphrodite are having a screaming match." Demeter announced once she caught her breath.

"Dad- stay here." I demanded, not giving him a chance to argue as Demeter and I ran toward the house.

I'm sorry the chapter was so short. I made it short because the next chapter is going to be long and filled with drama.

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